How to win back your ex

How to win back your ex – words Al Woods

Sometimes, people realize that they have made the worst mistake of their lives after breaking up with an ex. Although it can be scary to get back together with your ex, you should take your time to make sure that you learn from your mistakes.

Here are some steps that will help you to win back your ex:


Understand the Breakup

You should figure out what each of you did wrong because relationship problems do not come out of thin air. The odds are that the problem was not one-sided, so you should do some soul-searching. The number one reason for most breakups is communication problems. You should visit sites such as Ex Back Permanently to understand the different causes of breakups.

Remember Who Started the Breakup

If you initiated the breakup, you need to figure out why you did it. Was it because you were angry or after careful consideration? If your ex broke up with you, you need to find out the specific reason. It is imperative that you understand what initiated the breakup before you can start figuring out how to win back your love.

Interpret Your Emotions

In the aftermath of a breakup, it is easy to mix up your emotions. In fact, it is normal to feel guilt, depression, and remorse immediately after a breakup. The more serious your relationship was, the more intense these feelings will be. You should not rely on the severity of your feelings when figuring out whether to get back together with your ex.

Rekindled relationships tend to have trust issues, which means that you should evaluate your feelings carefully. If you are not sure about spending the rest of your life with an ex, you should consider moving on to another relationship.

Avoid Contact After Breaking up

You need to avoid contact with your ex immediately after breaking up so that you can figure out your feelings. Your ex will call you if he or she wants to talk. In the post breakup period, you should get to know yourself. This time apart will help you to figure out whether you really want to get back with your ex.

You should not pursue your ex in any way during this time. However, if he or she calls you, you should not hang up or refuse to talk, as this will defeat the purpose of trying to get back together. If you find out that your ex is seeing someone else, you should not be jealous. If you are meant to be together, you will find your way back to each other.

Work on Your Self-Esteem

If you are needy, you probably have self-esteem issues and looking for a person who will help you to feel better about yourself. Work on yourself first because basing your happiness on someone else will result in resentment. Working on your self-esteem means that you should feel whole on your own instead of waiting for another person to complete you.

You can improve your self-esteem by concentrating on your strengths, talents, and skills. Focusing on your positive qualities will help you to feel adequate as an individual. You should also try to improve your appearance by buying new clothes and changing your hairstyle. However, you should not change so much that you become a different person – your ex fell in love with you as you were before.


The above tips will help you to win your ex back but they are not a guarantee that your ex will take you back. Whatever you do, you should not try to revive a dead relationship.


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