Five first time buyer mistakes to avoid

words Al Woods

So you’re finally ready to buy your first house and make it into a home, you’re excited at the prospect of owning your own property and getting it bought.

There are certain pitfalls to avoid to make things easier on yourself and to ensure you’re doing the right thing with your money.

So what are some of the most common mistakes people make when taking this big step?

Jeff Djevdet, Director of Speed Property Buyers, a ‘we buy any house’ company in Sussex gives his advice – and he should know – he buys 100s of properties a year, sometimes in just days!


Rushing into it

Often first time buyers don’t do their homework on what they’re going to have to be prepared to do, if you make this mistake you could find you make things much harder. Not being mentally prepared for the stress and strain of the long detailed process, can quickly become overwhelming for even the most coolheaded of us.

Understand what you’re getting into and do your research on all aspects of the procedures, so plan ahead and be prepared. After all buying a house can be one of the most stressful and exhausting moments in your life, minimising that aspect will make things a whole lot easier on you and your family.

Not bothering with a survey

It is always best to pay for an independent surveyor to take a thorough look at your potential property before sealing the deal. You can’t simply rely on the property report and mortgage valuation. A few hundred pound is well spent on getting a survey to inspect the property for any potential issues, as this could save you from a lot of woe and spending much more money down the line.

Being unprepared to compromise

What you ideally want and what you are going to get are most likely going to be quite different when all is said and done. While trying to fit the pieces between your budget, perfect location and the dream house you picture in your head, there is going to have to be a lot of compromise in the end. You will have to rank your top priorities and be prepared to meet your wants, needs and what is available to you somewhere in the middle.  Understand this to avoid disappointment and decide on the main aspects that can and can’t be compromised on, to help guide your hunt.

Forgetting to research the local area

So you’ve found the house you think you want to buy but it’s in a place you’ve never lived before. Are you sure this location fits with your lifestyle and routine? It’s always best to be sure by doing your research online and perhaps even visiting the area to get a better feel for what it would be like to live there. You don’t want to end up getting tied down to a property in an area you want to be cut loose from.

Check the small print

This is one of the biggest first times you’ll have in your whole life and when all the stress is over and you’re excited to move in to your new home, you don’t want to sour the satisfaction by having missed fees or being charged more than agreed. Always go through all paperwork with a fine-tooth comb to guarantee you know what you’re getting into and that what you’re signing is exactly what you’re willing to agree upon.


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