Some internet facts that might surprise you

words Alan Woods

Recently, Toner Giant worked out just how enormous the Internet is. Turns out that if you printed everything that is currently on the Internet, you could make it a quarter of the way to the sun!


There’s more….


If that’s not enough, here are some more wacky facts that you’re ironically reading on the Internet… about the Internet!

When you type ‘How to replace window wipers’ into the Google search bar, 1,000 computers will be working at phenomenal speeds to get the answer to you in 0.2 seconds.

According to Internet Live Stats, Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second, which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and the most impressive facts about the internet today is just how many answers are out there on the Internet… although 16-20% of all these questions have never been asked before. Strange, right?

This is the first website to have ever existed on the Internet, and it still works:

According to Fossbytes, internet addiction has got so bad in China that they actually have a camp for people who need help: ‘Tao Ran, director of the country’s first Internet addiction treatment clinic under a military hospital in Beijing, said that 40% of those addicted to the Internet suffer from attention hyperactivity disorder.’

The most viewed video of all time remains PSY’s Gangnam Style music video at a massive 2.8 billion views.

Think about just how quickly your battery goes if you’re doing lots of Internet surfing – well, it takes 70 billion kilowatt hours (kwh) a year to run the internet according to Christopher Helman at Forbes. To put this into context, Helman says ‘1 kwh is enough power to keep ten 100-watt lightbulbs illuminated for one hours, or to keep your smartphone charged for an entire year.’

Every single minute, another 72 hours of YouTube video footage is uploaded. Just imagine the servers that are holding all of this data! It’s mostly cats…

According to Hosting Facts ‘an increase in site speed from eight to two seconds can boost your conversion rate by 74%.’ They also mention that websites that are slow to load cost the U.S. e-commerce market more than $500 billion annually.

An estimated 37,000 websites are hacked every day, and countless others are prevented by secure protection that people have in place. There was an increase of 32% in hacking problems in 2016 putting increased pressure on Google to sort things out.





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