Five Reasons to Get a Female STI Test

words Al Woods

Female STI Test

The stigma surrounding sexually transmitted infections has gone down, but it is still prevalent. Stigma is damaging. It prevents people from getting tested, which then leads to more spread, infections, and pain. You don’t have to wait around wondering if you have contracted an infection.

And so there are many reasons you should get a multi-test swab; whether you’ve recently had unprotected sex or simply have never had a test before, below are five reasons that you should get an STI test as a female.

Early Detection

If you have recently had unprotected sex, it’s crucial to get an STI test because you could detect it early. Getting an STI test will enable you to find out if you’ve contracted something. It’s imperative that you get tested so you can detect the STI before symptoms and start treating it before complications begin. Whatever your situation is, getting tested for an STI early is pivotal to avoiding pain, discomfort, and spread. You’ll be able to gain peace of mind and get started on any necessary treatment.

Female STI Test

You Could Be Without Symptoms

Another reason to get tested for a female STI test is that you could be without symptoms. There are plenty of different STIs that could result in no symptoms. For example, human papillomavirus (HPV) can go undetected in females. Herpes can take a long time to result in a breakout. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea can be symptomless. Syphilis can result in only a painless sore. There are many STIs that can have little to no symptoms. When you have an STI that goes undetected, it could lead to other complications.

Avoid Cancer & Other Complications

When you have HPV that hasn’t been detected, it could lead to cervical cancer. Females have a high rate of being symptomless, and this may sound like a good thing but it’s not. Long-term HPV could result in cancer that could spread across the body. Beyond cervical cancer from HPV, untreated STIs can end up in infertility. If you have an STI and you don’t get the treatment that you need, you may not be able to have children later. Furthermore, STIs can negatively affect a baby in pregnancy and result in complications with the child.

Take Your Relationship to the Next Level

A more positive reason that gets tested for an STI is to take your relationship to the next level. Whether you are on birth control or want to have a baby with your partner, if you both get tested for STIs you will be able to have unprotected sex safely. Of course, STIs could still spread if one of you is unfaithful, but if you aren’t worried about that you will be able to enjoy yourselves without worrying about the past. Are you getting married? Are you committing to each other? When you want to take your relationship to the next level, getting STI tests is a great way to make sure you won’t spread anything.

Find Peace of Mind

Whether you’re worried about having an STI or not, it is always a good idea to get tested. You will be able to gain the peace of mind you want from a test. An STI test that provides results for a variety of infections will help you know where you’re at and provide the peace of mind that you need to move forward without worrying about an infection. If you do have something you didn’t know about, it’s good news. You’ll be able to get the treatment that you need.

You might be afraid of STI tests, but you shouldn’t be. The stigma surrounding sexually transmitted infections doesn’t help anything. It makes people nervous and afraid to get a test. You could be afraid of the results or just afraid someone will judge you. You shouldn’t think about it that way.

When people are diligent about their STI testing, it avoids further complications and spread. You should do what’s right for yourself and others by getting tested frequently. Not only will you be gaining the peace of mind you want, you will be able to treat the infections and avoid further complications that could be quite painful and dangerous.


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