Top Breathtaking Places That You Must Visit When In Rome

words Al Woods

Rome is a city that has something for everyone. From the ancient ruins of the Colosseum and the Pantheon to the more modern sights of Vatican City, Rome is a fascinating place to explore. But if you want to see the real beauty of this city, you need to venture away from the tourist traps and explore some of its lesser-known gems. Here are six breathtaking places in Rome that you must visit when you’re in town.

Visit In Rome

The Colosseum

The Colosseum is one of Rome’s most iconic landmarks, and for good reason. This massive amphitheater was built in the first century AD and could seat up to 80,000 people. It was used for a variety of entertainments, including gladiator fights, animal hunts, and public executions. Today, it’s a popular tourist destination, but it’s still possible to get a sense of its former grandeur. To get the best possible deal on tickets, you can seek more information from and also see which tours are available. Additionally, when going to the colosseum, make sure to go early to avoid the crowds.

The Pantheon

The Pantheon is another of Rome’s ancient ruins that are worth a visit. This temple was built in honor of all the gods of Ancient Rome and is one of the best-preserved Roman buildings. It’s now a church, but you can still see its impressive architecture, including its huge dome. When you’re inside, take a moment to look up at the oculus, the hole in the center of the dome that lets in natural light. Also, be sure to visit the Pantheon at night when it’s all lit up – it’s truly a sight to behold.

Vatican City

If you’re interested in religion or history, then Vatican City is a must-visit. This tiny city-state is the home of the Catholic Church and the Pope, and it’s full of stunning religious architecture. The most famous site is St. Peter’s Basilica, but there are also numerous museums and art galleries to explore. To get the most out of your visit, consider taking a guided tour as there is so much to see and learn here. Make sure to also visit the Vatican Gardens, which are beautiful and peaceful. When visiting the Vatican, the best thing you can do is purchase a skip-the-line ticket so that you don’t have to waste time waiting in line.

The Spanish Steps

The Spanish Steps are one of Rome’s most popular tourist attractions, and it’s easy to see why. These 138 steps were built in the 18th century and led up to the church of Trinita Dei Monti. They’re a great place to people watch, as they’re always full of tourists and locals alike. If you want to get away from the crowds, head to the top of the steps for a stunning view over Rome. Nearby, you’ll also find the Keats-Shelley Memorial House, which is worth a visit if you’re a fan of literature.

Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain is one of the most famous fountains in the world, and it’s worth a visit when you’re in Rome. This baroque fountain was built in the 18th century and is decorated with numerous statues and sculptures. It’s said that if you throw a coin into the fountain, you’ll be guaranteed to return to Rome someday. Whether or not you believe this legend, it’s still fun to make a wish at the Trevi Fountain. Make sure to go early or late to avoid the crowds as it can get very busy here. When you get to the Trevi fountain, also take some time to explore the surrounding area as there are plenty of other things to see and do nearby.

Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona is one of Rome’s most beautiful squares, and it’s the perfect place to grab a coffee or gelato and people-watch. This oval-shaped piazza was built on the site of an ancient Roman stadium, and it’s now home to three stunning fountains. The center fountain, called the Fountain of the Rivers, is particularly impressive, and it’s surrounded by several restaurants and cafes. Piazza Navona is also a great place to do some shopping as there are plenty of boutique stores around the square. Additionally, this is one of Rome’s most popular spots for Christmas markets, so it’s worth a visit during the winter months.

Rome must visit

These are just a few of the many breathtaking places that you can visit when you’re in Rome. Whether you’re interested in history, religion, or just want to enjoy some stunning architecture and views, there’s something for everyone in this incredible city. So, start planning your trip to Rome today and see all that this amazing destination has to offer.


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