How to play smart with your energy use

words Al Woods

Everyone wants to lower their household bills and expenses. Did you know that some of the best ways to do that are also good for the environment?

You don’t have to be interested in making your home more “green” to benefit from eco-friendly products and technology. These days, many smart energy decisions are also good for your wallet. However, if you do care about your impact on the environment, you have more reasons than ever before to take advantage of these easy and cost-effective ideas. It always pays to look for ways to reduce energy consumption.

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If you’re worried these home projects are more than you can handle, rest assured. Reducing energy consumption in buildings and in your home can be as simple as making a new rule about when it’s time to do laundry or making your own DIY cleaning products instead of picking them up at the store. There’s nothing complicated about screwing in a light bulb. Replace conventional bulbs with LEDs, which use 75 percent less energy and last 25 times as long, so you’ll not only save money, but you’ll also cut down on how often you need to change burned-out bulbs.

Regular maintenance tasks such as winterizing your home or getting an HVAC checkup double as opportunities to boost energy efficiency and shrink your heating and cooling bills. Improving your home’s environmental footprint is something the whole family can get in on. Save the light bulbs for taller adults and get the kids involved in mixing and testing their own homemade all-purpose cleaner. Check out these energy saving tips with this infographic below to help create your energy use and money saving to do list.

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