Things to Do in Lockdown That You’ve Been Putting Off for Years!

words Al Woods

Lockdown tips

With the current global COVID-19 situation we have been awarded, or some may say cursed, with an abundance of free time. Many of us are not working and those that are, are mostly working from home.

With so much time afforded to us it is about time that we started doing things that we have been postponing for years! Seriously, it’s time! 

Most Of All, Have Respect!

Even though we have been awarded so much time it is important we do not forget those who have fallen victim to this virus and those who are risking their lives on the frontline; perhaps the best thing you can do is help them by staying indoors. There is nothing worse than willfully spreading this virus knowing that our hospitals are inundated with people of all ages suffering no end.

Our hospital staff and emergency services are working through this global pandemic so that you remain safe. So whatever you decide to do it is important that you remember that and do not become careless with your life, and the lives of those around you, whether it be your children or your wife, your parents or your neighbors. Just be careful and exercise a little self-restraint. Now is not the time to be attending parties or festivals, now is the time for introspective meditation and helping to better the world one step at a time.

In spite of that, we still are human beings and as human beings, it is natural for us to go a little stir crazy confined within the walls of our homes, stuck with relatives and pets, eager to get out – so now is a better time than any to start doing those chores you told yourself you would do, bet never did; whether you wish to finish reading those law books and take your bachelors, which according to the professionals of is achievable if you set your mind to it. Or, perhaps it’s time you started exercising!

Now Is The Time To Lose That Christmas Weight!

Obesity is at an all time high globally, so now is a perfect time for you to get fit; many people are putting off exercise during this time of global lockdown citing their inability to access a gym for their reason; however, this is not necessarily the truth.

Lockdown fitness

There is an abundance of bodyweight exercises and other cardiovascular exercises you can complete without even leaving your bedroom! With a little research you will find the Navy Seal training program which compiles a bunch of bodyweight exercises, such as squats, push-ups, crunches, and sit-ups, all that can be done at home to give you a tight core and a fit cardiovascular system.

Don’t run from exercise, make it your friend. There is no time like the present to get that body you desire, and when this lockdown finally lifts, you will be able to emerge with the body you have always wanted and strut your stuff through town drawing the attention of everybody you pass!

Pick Up A Book!

For younger generations reading and physically writing has become so infrequent. The advent of social media and technological advancements has put these on the back burner. Our youth, more concerned with the lives of pop stars and media personalities, could care less for the literary greats that probably sit on their parent’s bookshelves. If you’re one of these people who have no desire for reading or writing, perhaps now is the time to bite the bullet and pick up that book you were “Going to read in a few days.” How about it? It will not hurt you I promise! You can also start writing, why not write a work of fiction? Lift up that pen and put it to paper! By the end of this, you could be a published author, it’s really that easy!

Spend Some Time With Your Family!

Our current generation is so concerned with finances that we rarely spend enough time with our family’s. Why not use this as a time to spend time with your children, or your wife, or even your dog Fido! It’s about time that you spent some time getting to know each other. Try cooking for the family, watching a movie, or even incorporate the previous suggestion and do some group exercise together. 

You will be surprised how much you didn’t know about the people living under the same roof as you, really, it’s crazy! Our lives are so hectic and disorganized nowadays it’s impossible to keep up with everything that’s going on in your children and family members’ social lives. Make the most of this time, and make sure you remember those who cannot spend time with their families because of this terrible virus.


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