Making the most of your time at home during lockdown

words Al Woods

While the Coronavirus pandemic has thrown the world into chaos and presented challenges the likes of which we have rarely seen before, there have also been some positives to come out of the crisis. While social distancing measures mean many of us are required to stay at home as much as possible, this has opened up a range of opportunities that were previously unavailable.

For example, those who would typically have spent many hours commuting to and from work are now enjoying more time with their families, while others are taking up new skills and hobbies in an attempt to better themselves as well as cure the boredom.

Although the Prime Minister recently announced a slight relaxation of some measures, it seems the country is set to continue in lockdown for a while yet. Lots of people are using this period to get jobs done around the house, so what are some of the tasks you could be tackling as we wait for a sense of normality to return?

lockdown tips


With DIY stores beginning to reopen their doors, now is the perfect time to take on those projects you’ve been putting off for weeks, months or even years. Is your living room décor looking a little tired? Could it do with a refresh? Or maybe your bathroom is due a sprucing up? Perhaps you’ve started to notice that the kitchen is a tad gloomy, in which case a few well-placed ceiling lights can transform the space. Before you start, make a list of what you want to do and the supplies you’ll need. Then you can get cracking – after all, there’s no time like the present.

lockdown tasks


If the interior of your home is looking fresh, clean and bright, perhaps it’s the exterior that requires a little TLC? You don’t have to be a fully qualified horticulturalist to get your hands dirty, and the psychological benefits of gardening are well documented – something that is particularly pertinent during this challenging time. You might be amazed at how much a spot of weeding or simply mowing the lawn can alter the look of your garden, so why not get out in the fresh air and give it a go.

Take this chance to grow something new in your garden. That something can be edible mushrooms. Contrary to what many may believe, mushrooms can be easy to grow at home, even if you don’t have much experience. Start with a ready-made mushroom grow kit to get an idea of the cultivation process. 

When you’ve gained some knowledge and experience, try growing a mushroom bed in your garden. You only need a few basic tools and supplies, such as sterile substrate, grain spawn, and a semishady spot in your garden to get started. After a few weeks or so, you can enjoy the favorite mushrooms that you personally cultivated.

Have a clear-out

Like gardening, organising your cupboards, closets, drawers and other storage spaces can do wonders for your mental health. Is your attic jam-packed with unwanted items that you don’t know where else to keep? Perhaps it’s time to climb that ladder and have a good sort out. Although tips and charity shops may not yet be open due to social distancing restrictions, it could prove a practical use of your time to decide on the things you’d like to keep and those you’d like to chuck. Who knows, you may even find some that are worth selling and could make you a bit of money!


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