7 Tips For Creating Great Marketing Content

words Al Woods

More and more businesses are turning to content creation as a way to market their businesses digitally. It can often provide the key to expanding your businesses because great content brings exposure, leading to more brand awareness and more sales. The question is then, what makes content great? Read on to find out.

online Marketing Content

Identify Your Goals

Before you can create great content, you need to know why you are creating it to start with. Having a goal in mind provides the context for your efforts and acts as a marker for success. For example, your goal could be to increase your followers on social media by 20% within the following year. Or it could be to increase the traffic to your website by 50% within the next eighteen months. Make your goals as specific as possible to ensure that you can meet them and you can come up with specific strategies to do so.

Know the Market

Sometimes the difference between good and great marketing is an awareness of your target audience. Having a better understanding of your audience allows you to tailor your content to them. The demographics of your target market will dictate what they want to see. For example, memes or meme-worthy content is incredibly popular with younger audiences, ‘cute’ content tends to resonate with women more than men, et cetera. Think about your audience and conduct research if you need to. Consider what your competitors are doing, is it practical, what are their strategies? Can you emulate their approach if it works well and avoid their mistakes if not?

Great Marketing Content

Consider the Formats

Many businesses make the mistake of trying to do too much and create too many different forms of content. This is neither economical nor practical. There are so many various forms of content. It would help if you thought about what forms of content your team will excel in, whether it be the written word, like blog posts, articles, or emails, or better visually creating videos, infographics, or social media posts. Limit yourself to begin with; as your following grows and your team finds their way in creating content, you can start to think about diversifying, but when you are starting out, you should stick to a maximum of three or four forms of content.

Keep up with Trends

Many people use the internet to stay up-to-date with the news, trends, or current events. Utilising these trends in your content can help to ensure that they remain relevant to your consumers, thereby encouraging engagement. However, trends and news stories are often a flash in the pan, which means if you are going to use them, you need to incorporate them quickly, or they become outdated before publishing the content.

Think About Outsourcing

Creating content for a business can be a full-time job in and of itself. However, some companies simply do not have the time, resources, or workforce to dedicate to content creation. Instead of trying to make do you should consider outsourcing. Allowing another company to take on your content creation needs can free up your staff to devote their time elsewhere. Finding the right business is vital; you need to ensure that their vision for your content aligns with yours. For example, 303 London is a luxury digital agency with experience creating content for different fields and industries. They can help you, and if you want to learn more about luxury digital marketing, then you should check them out. Arm yourself with marketing knowledge so that you know what you can achieve.

Create Content in Batches

Consistency is critical when it comes to creating content. First, you need a posting schedule. To make sure that you stay on schedule, you should think about creating your content in batches. If you wait for inspiration to strike, then you will likely fall behind. Instead, carve out some time to brainstorm your ideas for the following week or month and try to get them all done as soon as possible.

You can then eke them put publishing them slowly over the next month. This also means that if a trend emerges that you want to take advantage of, you can simply slot that into the schedule, creating it the day of. Any content that is swapped out can wait to be uploaded at a later date. It also lessens the strain of creating content on a day-to-day basis if you create it in batches.

Repurpose Content

If you hit a wall in your content creation, then you can repurpose your old content. You shouldn’t repost your old content directly; change some of it, update it and freshen it up. Transform your content from one form to another. A video could become a blog post. An Instagram picture could form the basis of an infographic.


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