The best apps for fiction writers

words Al Woods

fiction writers

If you’re a writer, you know how amazing that feeling is when words seem to simply flow out of you, without any effort at all. You’re in another world–maybe one that mirrors ours, maybe one that’s fantasy–and you’re living through your characters, experiencing everything they feel. However, any writer knows that it isn’t always that easy.

Everyone gets writers’ block, and everyone finds themselves struggling to make time for writing when other responsibilities get in the way. That’s why it’s so important to use the right strategies and tools to keep yourself motivated and creative.

To help you, we’ve put together a list of the best apps for fiction writers. You’ll excel using these tools, just as a YouTube vlogger uses a free video editor to make their life easier.

short story author1. Scrivener

Scrivener is one of the best apps out there for simply sitting down and writing your book. As opposed to ordinary programs like Google Docs or Microsoft Word, Scrivener has additional features that help you plan out your project long-term. For example, there’s a corkboard feature that lets you pin down notes, if you’re more of a visual person. Especially if you’re working on something long like a novel, it’s a great investment.

It’s no surprise, how good this app is, that it has a 4.7 out of 5-star rating in the App Store.

2. Hemingway App

Often, taking a step back and looking over your fiction once you’ve written it is a great way to revise your work. But sometimes, even that isn’t enough, and hiring an editor is pretty expensive. That’s what makes the Hemingway App so great. This app points out sentences that are a bit too long-winded, and it also helps you find shorter words rather than over-complicated ones. If you tend to overwrite, especially in the first draft, this is a great tool for you.

In a review in Finances Online, this app was rated 9.1 out of 10, so it’s worth checking out, especially since it’s free!

3. The Brainstormer

If you’re feeling stuck, it’s often helpful to brainstorm. But if you aren’t taking a creative writing class or don’t have writing friends around, it can be hard to find the right inspiration. The Brainstormer makes this way easier for you. According to Weebpal, “By manipulating the wheels or do a random spin, you generate combinations that make fantastic creative prompts for writing. According to Jurgen Fauth from The Huffington Post, ‘it’s great for quick prompts or a new impulse.’”

4. Pomodoro Timer

If you’re easily distracted or not very good at staying on task, using the Pomodoro Timer will help you immensely. Basically, this breaks up your writing time into set working chunks and set breaks, so that you don’t get burnt out. It’s easy to focus for just twenty-five minutes before taking a break so you can get some writing done without feeling too much pressure. If this method doesn’t work for you, consider focusing on word counts instead of timed writing sessions.

Americans touch their phones, on average, 2,617 times a day–and using a tool like this will help you stay away from your phone and focus on the task at hand.

5. Grammarly

Another great editing tool is Grammarly. You may have used it before to perfect a cover letter or an important email–so why not use it to perfect your writing, which you’re passionate about? Not only does it work on its own, but it can also be used with Microsoft Word and even WordPress. Save yourself the stress of typos and silly grammar mistakes by using this tool.

Grammarly has a 3.5 out of 5 rating in PC Mag (UK Version), so it’s worth checking out.

6. Dragon Dictation

If you’re always recording ideas you have using voice notes or sending them to yourself in email, make your life a little easier by using Dragon Dictation. This tool adapts to your voice, becoming more accurate over time, and can be sent directly to your email once it’s finished.

7. SelfControl

In today’s world of distractions, SelfControl is a necessary app whenever you want to be productive. This tool keeps you from accessing the distractions that usually keep you away from work so that the pressure isn’t entirely on you to keep yourself focused.

If you manage to use this tool the right way, you might end up being quite successful, which is great considering that the 2018 median pay of writers and authors was $62,170 per year.

By using these apps and tools, you’ll be able to focus on your writing more and improve it once you’ve started writing it. What other tools and strategies do you use to make yourself more disciplined and organized at writing?

fiction writers


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