5 unexpected ways a POS system can improve your customer service experience

5 unexpected ways a POS system can improve your customer service experience – words Alexa Wang

Customer service is the most important aspect of your business. Good customer service dictates a business’s ability to generate new leads and create loyalty among its customers.

Surprisingly, the efficiency of your POS system can have a major effect on the customer service experience. Customers want to complete their transactions quickly and easily. The longer they have to wait in line, or for terminals to load or sync, the more frustrated they become. Here are five unexpected ways a POS system can work for you at improving your customer service experience.


  1. Efficiency and Speed

A speedy transaction is a desirable attribute of the checkout process. Customers become frustrated with long lines and wait times, and this can actually make their experience with your store a poor one.

A speedy POS system will ensure that lines keep moving and transactions are completed with reasonable swiftness. You can maximize your POS system’s speed by providing customers with options such as buy online, pick up in-store, which has become popular among larger chains like Wal-Mart and Barnes and Noble.

By creating a more efficient checkout process, you’re letting customers know that you understand the value of their time. You’ll set yourself apart from the competition with this level of customer service, enticing customers to return to your store and (hopefully) refer your business to their friends and family.

  1. Customer Profiles

Modern POS systems allow you to create customer profiles for your patrons. This includes information such as their name, address, phone number, and email address. The information is safely stored within the software and accessible at the terminal.

This information can be used to search for prior transactions quickly, thus cutting down on return transaction time and improving the customer experience. You can also utilize this information to tailor ads and marketing materials to specific customers based on their purchase habits.

Your customers will get the best promotions for the products they love, and your marketing efforts will become much more effective. By learning about your customers, you’ll get to know them better, and be able to serve them on a higher level.

  1. Resolving Inventory Discrepancies

The real-time inventory tracking tools that inhabit most modern POS systems are effective resources for fixing those all too common inventory discrepancies. Nothing is more frustrating for a customer than attempting to purchase an item listed in the inventory that isn’t actually in stock.

Inventory tracking is simple with POS systems. You’ll receive alerts for low stock and even suggestions on auto-ordering. This can all be done within one terminal with your POS software, making inventory tracking easier than ever.

Customers will be much happier with accurate inventory, and you’ll be able to reduce stress from incorrect information. Satisfied customers are more inclined to make large purchases, so you’ll want to be sure your inventory is always up to date. 

  1. Flexible Payment Methods

Payment methods are always evolving, and we’ve migrated far from the traditional swipe of a credit card or exchange of physical money. With chip cards, touchless pay options like Apple Pay, and more, there are dozens of ways for customers to pay for goods and services.

Updating your POS system will increase your company’s flexibility when it comes to payment methods. With the ability to accept more payment methods, you will find that your business begins to attract customers that otherwise would have never visited your store.

Easier, more flexible payment methods ensure that customers return to your store for the easy checkout process. Many stores still don’t accept chipped credit cards (or still have them swipe) and even more don’t accept contactless payment methods.

POS systems that support more secure payment methods serve the customer and therefore improve the customer experience. Your customers will feel comfortable knowing that the security and speed of the checkout process is a priority for your business.

  1. Customer Feedback

Customer feedback grants incredible insight into the habits, wants, and needs of your customer base; allowing you to better tailor your business practices to meet those requirements. Knowing your customer is the single best way to improve their customer experience and your sales.

With a POS system, you can create custom surveys for your customers, or on-the-spot simple feedback buttons to be completed upon purchasing from your store. These short surveys will ask simple questions such as “did you enjoy your visit today?” or “were you satisfied with your service today?”.

There’s never been a better time to get a POS system, with limitless options for standard features and many extras that will take your business to the next level. Increasing customer satisfaction is as simple as making their transaction simple, efficient, and gathering feedback on their visit.

Feedback makes your customers feel like their voice matters. When you follow up on their feedback, whether it be positive or negative, you’re showing that what they have to say is important to your business. This kind of customer service has the potential to turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal one by addressing the problem at the source and providing an empathetic approach to a solution.


A good POS system can be an effective tool for improving customer experience. With quicker, more secure transactions, you’ll avoid line buildup and frustrated customers. There are dozens of options in the POS market, so be sure to choose the right POS system for your business.



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