Benefits Of Having An Artist Management Contract

words Al Woods

Artists often underestimate the need of hiring an artist manager. While some are unaware of what a manager can do for them, some believe that they can proceed alone and manage everything on their own. Artist managers are actually extremely useful and someone artists can rely on completely, to make their career grow and develop their music, performance and brand.

Those who do know the importance of artist managers and their roles, are quick to hire the good ones and sign an artist management contract with them. This agreement lists out the roles and responsibilities of the managers and what they will do in order to further the artists’ career and give them more exposure.

 As an artist, once you choose a manager, it is best to get the artist management contract made and signed so that both parties are protected and know what their duties entail.

Here are some features of an artist management contract that show why it is important and how it can benefit artists.

Artist Contract

Manager’s term

The contract mentions one of the most important points and that is the term for which your manager will work for you. There are multiple options available. The contract term may be measured in years or in album cycles. For artists who are somewhat known but still new, managers may prefer to sign a contract for a term of one or two years, with an option to renew it further. This is a good amount of time for both, the artist and the manager to become familiar with how the other works and what the artist needs to grow professionally. If the association is fruitful, the contract can be renewed.


The fiscal relationship between an artist and manager is crucial. The manager is supposed to get some percentage of the artist’s revenue. This amount depends on the artist’s position in the industry and success. The manager’s commission may range anywhere between 15 – 25% depending on whether the artist is already well-known or is totally new and there is a lot of work cut out for the manager. Some managers work on a monthly retainer, especially for a completely new artist or one who hasn’t been launched yet.

Artist Management Contract

Manager responsibilities

The most important benefit of signing an artist management contract is that both parties know exactly the extent of services the manager will provide the artist. These include marketing, branding, team selection, looking for booking agents on behalf of the artist, liaising with others for logistical support, representing the artist in front of industry professionals, and others. Managers also provide guidance and counsel to the artists about their career related aspects. The manager is responsible for managing day-to-day operations of the artist, so that the artist can focus solely on creating or performing.

Hiring an artist is crucial for your career advancement. When doing so a legal contract brings clarity and a sense of security, as opposed to an oral agreement.


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