The Coronavirus Has Shown the World How Important Donating Money Is

words Al Woods

The world is slowly tiptoeing out of the global lockdown or stay-at-home requirement to control and prevent the rapid and extensive spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19.

The numbers are still increasing, but many countries like Israel, Europe, the UK, and the USA are through their peak, and the numbers of infections and deaths are reducing exponentially as the days go by.

Unfortunately, the economic devastation that is part of this lockdown is tragic. The latest US unemployment numbers show that more than 36 million people have filed for unemployment benefits during the pandemic.  And, charities like Yad Ezra are supporting and feeding greater numbers of hungry children and families. Federal and national governments are offering some relief to charity organizations and families through programs like stimulus checks, and other measure. However, this is not enough. The need is much greater than the national fiscus can handle.

Coronavirus Donating

On the other hand, there are stories of individuals giving generously to the charitable organizations who help provide food and basic necessities for families out of work. Individuals are tipping cleaners more, leaving larger tips at restaurants, and tipping grocery delivery staff when dropping off goods at home so high-risk people do not have to go out. And neighbors are helping each other, especially when the person is elderly and at risk.

However, the need is so great that more can be done. Therefore, here are a few tips on how to give safely and to the organizations that are at the frontline of feeding and caring for children and vulnerable people.

Cash donations

Charitable organizations often prefer cash or a wire transfer. They can then channel the funds into their programs where there is the greatest need. Moreover, it is essential to make sure that the charity is a bona fide organization before making the donation.

Unfortunately, there are a number of fraudulent organizations out there hoping to prey on people who do not check their credentials. On the other hand, it is fairly easy to check where a charity is legit or not. All valid non-profits will have a state or government-issued number. And they will be more than willing to provide their registration papers as proof that they are a bona fide organization.

Covid Donating

Check with the organization

Charities and non-profits always have a list of requirements that they need to support people in their programs. Therefore, before donating good like foodstuffs, clothing, and other essentials, it is a good idea to check with the organization to determine what their requirements are. Giving is good, but targeted giving is better. This enables the charity to provide the right help to the needy.

Donations tax

Many countries and states offer tax rebates on monetary donations. Thus, if this point is relevant, it is necessary to first determine whether the charity has the legal capacity to provide receipts that are acceptable for the donations tax rebate.

Final thoughts

The needs are extreme. And, the only way to navigate through the physical and economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is to work together and to help each other.


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