How to downsize your lifestyle to have a real impact

How to downsize your lifestyle to have a real impact – words Alexa Wang

The lifestyle that you choose to live is something that can evolve and really shift over the years. For many people there can be that initial desire to go big, obtain more, and accumulate excess.

That can be true for the home you live in, the clothes you wear, your tech gadgets, and it really just keeps going from there. If this sounds like you and you’re not reaching a point where you want to downsize your lifestyle in all aspects possible and in ways that make an impact, then these tips are custom made for you.

Here are a number of ways you can change up how you are living, really downsize everything about your lifestyle, and end up feeling a lot freer and happier in the process.

Is Moving On The Cards?

One of the most impactful ways to really make changes in your life and truly downsize is to start with downsizing your accommodation. Now, granted this isn’t going to be a tip that everyone can follow, but if you can then it can offer the kind of satisfaction you’re after.

Downsizing your home means you’ll have less space to clean and maintain, you’ll spend less overall, you will be using less electricity so will leave a smaller footprint on the earth, and it means you have less space for clutter to build.

Not only has downsizing your accommodation become popular over the past couple of years, but people are going so far that they are actually making the jump to “tiny living”. With tiny living you could end up picking a place with just a couple of hundred square feet to live in.

Time to Say Goodbye to Your Car

Another great way to go about downsizing your lifestyle is to get rid of your car. Again, this won’t be possible for everyone but if you can rely on such things as public transportation, riding your bike around town, and walking, then you’ve got one less “thing” in your life to worry about.

For those who own an older car and aren’t likely to be able to sell it to a private buyer, then you may want to consider the ScrapCarNetwork. This service is perfect for those who have been thinking about “scrapping my car”. The way this service works is that you use the website to find a location near you, enter in couple of details about the car, and you’ll get an instant quote. You can then go ahead and scrap your car and get cash for doing so.

The ScrapCarNetwork offers a free collection service in many locations across the UK. As for what happens to your car after it is turned over to the service, it is either recycled or re-used so you also know it’s going to good use.

Go Through All Your Keepsakes and Memorabilia with a Harsh Eye

If you’re like most people, then there is a good chance you have a collection of keepsakes and memorabilia in your home. Each time you put something aside it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it’s just one item, but the problem is that over time these little things start to grow into a very large collection that just ends up looking like a cluttered mess.

While you probably don’t want to get rid of everything, it’s a good idea to go through each item one by one with a harsh eye and ask yourself if it’s necessary that you hold on to the physical memory of that time, place, or event.

Time to Open Up the Closet Doors

For those who consider themselves a bit of a clothing junkie, then downsizing should include opening up the closet door and doing a major clean-up. A good idea would be to ask yourself if you’ve worn the piece within the last year. This would cover all four seasons that way. If you haven’t worn it in the last year, then there’s a good chance you don’t need it, nor would you miss it.

As long as the clothing is in good shape, you can box or bag it all up and donate it. This creates a win-win situation as you know your clothing will get the use it deserves.

Can You Make Adjustments to Expenses?

The final tip is to look at the current expenses you have and look for ways you can downsize them and get rid of unnecessary expenses. You may be amazed at some of the areas you are spending money that really aren’t all that necessary.

Downsize Your Life and Feel Lighter and Freer

Downsizing your lifestyle can be a wonderful undertaking that leaves you feeling as though a weight has been taken off your shoulders. It’s something that people of any age can benefit from, and a process that can be repeated and re-examined every once in a while.

How to downsize your lifestyle to have a real impact – words Alexa Wang


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