Why an e-Bike is a Must-Have for Your Next Trip

words Al Woods


These last few months have been tough. From quarantines and social distancing, to job losses and an overall sense of global fear, it has been a tricky time. But as restrictions have started to ease, travel and entertainment have started to re-open.

For us, this means a bit of a break away from the confines of our home and a shake-off of the cabin-fever cobwebs that have been building up over the last few months. What sounds better than the open road, some fresh air, a change of scenery and exploring somewhere brand new where you can take in a bit of nature.

Whether it is a camping trip or an RV road trip, we found the perfect gadget that you simply have to take along with you. An electric bike is something the whole family can enjoy and will add that extra element of fun to your next trip. Not convinced? Well, we tried one out and here is why we love it.

You Get to Explore so Much More

The first thing we loved about these bikes is their adaptability. The journey doesn’t end when you get to your destination, in fact, the adventure just begins. We chose a spot where we could go up into the mountains one day, and then cruise along the beach the next and really take in what mother nature has provided for us.

We took along the fat tire electric bike, which we could use on both terrains. It did as well up rocky trails and on beach sand as it did on a tarmac. In fact, it made it so much easier to explore these untouched spaces that we spent an extra night just to see more.

There are more from the range to choose from; from the mountain bike to the cruiser and the folding bike, but if versatility is what you are looking for, we highly recommend this one.

They Are Actually Really Convenient

One of the biggest hassles that comes with having a bike is having to drag it around with you and store it. They are big and awkward and usually pretty heavy. You usually have to get yourself a bike rack that you have to hoist the bike onto to travel with it.

The folding electric bike however, was one of our definite favourites. It folded up and was easy to pack up in the car and RV and only weighed around 20kgs. So, it was really easy to get around and keep at home. If you have set your mind on an RV trip, we all know that space is really limited in the van, so you won’t need to choose between having your bike or significant other in your space for the trip.

The other varieties are also quite light, and even though they don’t all fold away, they are really easy to maneuver and use. 

e bike

They Get the Blood Going

After weeks of being in isolation and being cooped up, what is better than a good cardio workout? We love these bikes because, as with most people, lockdown has had a dire effect on our waistlines, and we are really struggling to get back into the work-out lifestyle.

With these beauties, we get to ride at our own pace. You don’t have to be Lance Armstrong to ride one though, because with their electronic motors, the bike does most of the hard work. Yes, you absolutely do get to pedal, and it is a workout, but you aren’t going to overdo it after weeks of Netflix and banana bread.

Cardio is also great for your mental health. Workouts help drive oxygen and blood to the brain which relieves anxiety and depression. Psychologists have been warning that coming out of lockdown will cause an amount of anxiety to most people due to the sudden influx of stimuli after being indoors for so long. That is why they are recommending trips into nature and plenty of exercise to adjust back into society.

Electric Bikes Won’t Break the Bank

No matter what your budget is, the selection is big enough for you to find what suits you and your pocket. The entry-level bikes come in at around $1,000 and depending on what else you need out of the bike, they go up from there. Even if this still sounds a bit costly to you, you have to keep a few things in mind.

Firstly, this bike will last you around 20 years. They have a long lifespan and if you work it out, it is a once-off cost for two decades of entertainment.

Secondly, you don’t only need to use the e-bike on trips. If you work close to home, you can use it as transport there and back, or even picking up groceries. Not only does this save you fuel costs, parking tickets and general maintenance to your car, but it helps get you back into shape doing daily tasks.

It Brings the Family Together

Most families have been spending more time than usual together in lockdown. Although the increased pressure of balancing school work and work has been a challenge for most, it has really brought families together.

A family trip will be a great bonding experience, especially out of the house and away from laptops and Zoom calls. Getting the whole family e-bikes will mean that everyone will get to explore and experience nature together, and create lasting memories together. They are also really easy to charge, so you can get them all charged overnight, ready for the adventures the next day.

Last Thoughts

When planning your trip, make sure you are aware of the restrictions and rules that are still in place. If you are visiting a small town, find out beforehand how they are receiving visitors and how you can respect their social distancing. It is also important to make sure that you know how far you can travel and what has been allowed for trips. Lastly, just enjoy yourself. This time has been tough on everyone, and we can not encourage the outdoor and exercise more right now. 


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