words Alexa Wang

Getting a dog is really like getting a new member of your family, but you have all the capacity of choosing one that is best suited for your family type. It is all a matter of compatibility because you have to make the right choice to have a more caring and harmonious relationship with your dog. There are several guides you can use in choosing the right dog breed for your family.
Home Environment
Your dog is going to be living with you so you have to take into consideration the kind of home environment you have. Some people who live in apartments are not allowed to have dogs while others have restrictions on what kind of dog or pet they are allowed to keep. You need to consider your space because some dog breeds are active that they need so many places where they can roam around too. If your place does not permit roaming constantly, then check if you have a place nearby where you can go for constant walks with your dog. Constant exercise with them can help them stay healthy and fit so they can live longer and happier.
Your companion should also fit for the kind of lifestyle you have. Some families are more active than others and they would need a dog breed that can suit their outdoor lifestyles like Retrievers, Collies, and German Shepherds. You would also need to provide the kids of lifestyle specific dog breeds need. For example, different dog breeds adhere to specific diets which is why it is important to give the right kind of food. So, if you want a Maltipoo, then make sure you’ll be able to provide dog food for Maltipoo. Others would need to be constantly drinking water, especially during the warmer weather because of their shorter snouts as seen in pugs, bulldogs, and Shih Tzus. Consider also work arrangements, especially when you need to be gone for a few days at a time because some dog breeds like to socialize and they do not like to be left alone for a long period. Your companion can suit you better if you take in all of these factors.

Family Dynamics
Your family is the most important telling sign of selecting a dog breed as a companion. Especially if you have babies or younger children, some of the friendliest dog breeds that go along with children are Labradors and Beagles while Dachshunds are great companions to the elderly. Choose a dog that is attentive to commands. You should also consider if one of your family members is allergic to pet hair so you can get a breed that doesn’t shed as much. Overall, compatibility should be evident in all the members of the family.
Dogs have been a long companion to a lot of families so you should choose one that will give you the best companionship. Your life as a family could greatly improve because of their presence at home. The most important thing is that you find the perfect match of dog breed that you want to include as a new member of your family.