3 Easy Meals to Cook in the Oven

words Al Woods

After a long day of work, you are going to want a hardy and fulfilling meal. But who wants to hustle in the kitchen after a hectic day?

We know that life can get very busy, but you should not have to sacrifice a good meal just because of your day to day routine. For a little extra meal inspiration, we have created a list of some easy meals that you can prepare ahead of time and throw in the oven for a fast and yummy dinner any day of the week!

cook Easy Meals


Now, most people tend to hear “steak” and assume that the meal is going to be super labor-intensive. While this can be true of certain cooking methods, you will not have to worry about it if you choose to cook it in the oven.

Cooking steaks in the oven may be somewhat less popular than grilling or panfrying, but we assure you that you will not miss out on any of the great taste.

To start, you are going to want to pick a steak that has a higher fat content. This will keep it nice and juicy throughout the entire cooking process. Once you have made your selection, you can prep it however you like! Marinades are great but rubs and seasonings are also wonderful options – the choice is up to you!

When you have it prepared, go ahead and place the meat cuts into a greased dish and throw them in the oven for about 20 minutes at a high temperature. As with any meats, make sure you let them sit for a few before you cut into them.

Learning how to cook steak in the oven is not hard to prepare, even on those busy days! Let’s expel the myth that you have to grill stake to make it taste great.


If you are looking for something that is particularly simple, a casserole is the best option for you!

Not only are these meals incredibly tasty, but you can also have them prepped ahead of time. Start by finding ingredients that you like and take some time experimenting with them. Presentation is not the end goal with these, so have some fun and try out some new combinations. You can even do a quick search on the internet to find a bunch of recipes if you are in need of some inspiration!

Throwing a casserole in the oven after a long day is so satisfying and will be sure to leave you full and happy.

Chicken Potpie

Another great meal that you can cook in the oven is a chicken potpie! These are so easy to make and can be prepared ahead of time so that they are ready to go whenever you need.

Chicken potpies are particularly great because you can pack them full of veggies and proteins, making the meal a great source of nutrients. Again, you can find a recipe to follow or you can just experiment with your favorite veggies and chicken to make a really yummy go-to dinner.

Bottom Line

Cooking in the oven is one of the easiest and most time efficient methods. Even after a long, hard day, you can enjoy a tasty and fulfilling meal just by throwing a single dish in to cook. The cooking and clean-up process could not be any easier, and we assure you that you do not have to be a chef to make some incredible oven-cooked meals!

If you have been in a rut with cooking or need some meal inspiration, give these ideas a go today!


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