3 Effective Tweaks to Make to Your Morning Routine

words Alexa Wang

You’d be surprised at how effective small tweaks to your daily routine can be. Sometimes, something as small as putting extra effort into your dental hygiene routine or taking 10 minutes out of your day to properly take care of your skin can be truly transformative.

In the following article, we’ll take you through three effective tweaks that you can implement in your morning routine to set you up for a better day.

Morning Routine

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Take Care of Your Oral Hygiene

Taking proper care of your oral hygiene can really set you up well for the day. Implementing a good oral hygiene regimen into your morning routine will leave you with fresh breath and a healthy-looking smile. There are certain things to consider when implementing a good oral hygiene routine, and one of these is deciding between manual or electric toothbrush. Generally, it’s better to use an electric toothbrush as the oscillating bristles do a very effective job of removing all the plaque from your teeth and getting between your teeth where a manual toothbrush wouldn’t be able to. It’s also a great idea to begin flossing morning and night if you don’t already. Flossing removes bacteria from the places a toothbrush can’t get to and avoids a buildup of plaque which can lead to tartar, or hard calcified deposits, which only a dentist can remove.

Carve Out Time for a Good Skincare Routine

Carving time out of your day to dedicate to your skincare routine is a great way to set yourself up for a good day. Taking time to take care of your skin is a great way to show yourself some love. Not only this, but taking care of your skin can be meditative and relaxing – it can be a time in your morning routine when you fully focus on yourself and forget about your to-do list and responsibilities of the day. Focus on getting yourself a good cleanser, moisturizer and toner. You should spend about 5 to 10 minutes massaging the products into your skin and making sure everything is fully absorbed. Don’t forget to add SPF into your skincare routine if you live in a sunny country and want to protect yourself from UV radiation.

Start Taking Cold Showers

Taking cold showers in the morning has long been known to have numerous benefits. Cold showers don’t just feel rejuvenating; they have the ability to calm itchy skin, increase circulation around the body, and leave you with glowing skin and hair. If you want shiny hair and can’t bear a fully cold shower, consider rinsing out your conditioner with cold water – you’ll notice a difference in how shiny and healthy your hair appears once it is dry. Cold showers are just one small tweak in your morning routine that can leave you feeling alert and ready to face the day!

Have a go at implementing any of these small changes into your morning routine and see if you notice any results! Don’t underestimate the ability of small changes in your routine to completely transform your day – these are just a few examples, so go out and start making positive changes!


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