Marketing To The Millennials

words Al Woods

Successful marketing to Millennials requires acknowledging that this is a totally different demographic and adapting to their ways of thinking and consuming content. 

Millennials, who are typically described as those between the ages of 18 and 34, constitute the largest population in the United States. As of 2014, they accounted for approximately one-third of the country’s population and spent a staggering $1.3 trillion on consumer goods and services, according to the Census Bureau. 

However, they are not just outnumbering the Baby Boomers and Generation X-ers who came before them in terms of sheer numbers; they also think and behave in fundamentally different ways. Because they have grown up in the worst economy since the Great Depression, they make decisions about their employment, spending, and family that are not consistent with the demographics that marketers are accustomed to targeting. And they are not interested in being sold to; this is a bunch of individuals who are determined to make their own decisions in the end. In general, advertising pitches that were successful with Baby Boomers and Generation X-ers do not perform well with Millennials. 

Marketing To Millennials

Image via Pexels CC0 license

Optimize your website for mobile and tablet devices. 

Make certain that your company’s mobile experience is first-rate. Millennials are significantly more reliant on digital technologies than earlier generations.

Eighty-five percent of the population has smartphones, and if your content does not convert well to mobile devices, you will lose them. Optimize your landing pages for mobile devices so that they load as soon as possible. On a small phone screen, a clear call-to-action should be prominently displayed. Make every effort to minimize downtime.

Demonstrate the brand’s individuality and encourage participation

They are the world’s first digital literates, having grown up in the digital age. They have never known a time when the internet and social media were not available, and they are accustomed to conducting online research and finding what they are looking for. Make yourself relevant, or you run the risk of being overlooked. What makes you stand out, in both your digital marketing and your more traditional print marketing? Do your website and social media have strong branding? How can you make your printed marketing stand out amongst the sea of plain white and minimalist – metallic gold flyers is one thing that you could do. Putting QR codes on information is another. 

Members of this age bracket are not interested in interacting with your social media department; instead, they prefer to speak with a live person. Give your brand a personality; be friendly and transparent, and engage in a two-way dialogue with your customers and prospects. It is important to monitor customer feedback and reply as promptly as possible. Make any necessary modifications and then notify your customers of your improvements in order to generate more positive feedback.

Additionally, compose your material in a conversational tone. If your social media accounts are solely dedicated to marketing your products and self-promotion, Millennials will not be interested in staying on your page. These savvy consumers are searching for genuine service and involvement from brands and businesses.

Follow them to where they are

Participate in social media platforms where Millennials hang out. In fact, nine out of every ten Millennials use their computer to surf the web while watching TV on a television, and they spend an average of 5 hours and 49 minutes every week watching online video content. Consider developing video content and establishing a YouTube presence with well-produced short, instructive movies and tutorials to increase your visibility and traffic.

Consumers in their twenties switch between communications devices and platforms 27 times an hour while they are not actively working. Have people that are always monitoring social media and replying in a timely and conversational manner. Create an online community that revolves around your business.

SMS has the best engagement rate compared to any other marketing medium. Around 98% of people open text messages when they receive them, which shows that it is the right medium to follow potential customers.  SMS marketing is permission-based, meaning that your customers must opt-in. This is a huge benefit because it means you’re only reaching people that want to hear what you have to say, which of course, equals better engagement rates. With a simple SMS gateway API, you can connect with hundreds of customers presenting them your brand, sending special offers, and making their experience with your business special. 

Draw attention to user-generated material

Make sure your website contains a significant amount of user-generated content (UGC) to assist Millennials in making their purchasing decisions. For opinions on which things to purchase, Millennials are more than three times as likely as Baby Boomers to consult social media platforms. And they place significantly more trust in and follow advice from other individuals – even complete strangers – than they do from the brands themselves. Millennials place roughly the same value on advice about online items whether it comes from friends and family in person or through user-generated content (UGC) on a company’s official website. Request feedback from your customers and make it easy for them to locate it online.

Instead of focusing on stages of life, social groups should be targeted

In contrast to previous generations, millennials do not progress through life phases in the manner in which we are accustomed. When compared to Boomers of the same age, they marry later, have fewer children, and are less likely to remain in their employment for the long haul. To succeed with this massive group, marketers must adapt to their buying behaviors. Otherwise, they will fail miserably. Marketing to Millennials who identify with a specific social identity would be preferable than marketing to them based on their stage of life, as this would be more effective. Consider marketing to members who have an alternative lifestyle, those who support a social cause, or those who are fans of a certain social media personality.

Make a statement

Being socially conscious, generous, and environmentally conscious goes a long way with Millennials, who value these qualities. Almost half of the consumers say they are more likely to purchase from a firm if their purchase helps to support a cause they believe in. In addition, Millennials expect the products they purchase to not only reflect their views, but also their sense of style and individuality.

Forty percent of respondents said they are willing to spend more for a product that represents the image they want to project of themselves.

When asked how brands might engage with Millennials, the top two responses were to reward loyalty with promotions and discounts and to show authenticity according to a survey. Millennials will invest in your product if you can convince them that your brand and its messages are legitimate.


Marketing to millennials is a completely different ballgame than marketing to older generations. Your old rulebook should be thrown out, or at the very least significantly revised.

Engage your customers’ emotions and establish a connection with your business to experience enormous improvements in engagement and revenue.


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