Phoneless Friday – Can you live without yours for one day?

Can you imagine life without your mobile phone? Many older people (my dad springs to mind) often look bewildered by our fascination with our smartphones, but to much of the population they have become powerful mini computers that we use to communicate with the rest of the world.

And as for those useful apps; how would I cope without google maps or my banking app? Well Save the Children are asking us to do just that.

Phoneless Friday

As much as our smartphones are a technological marvel they can also get in the way. I have to put mine away sometimes just to clear my head and concentrate. They can be maddeningly distracting. But could we go without our phones for a whole day? You might scoff but think about it – no social networking, no games, no texting, no instant contact with friends and family. The truth is our smartphones are so addictive because they are so useful.

So what’s Phoneless Friday that’s taking place on October 7th all about? It’s a challenge. We’ll all be doing it on the same day and you can rope your mates in or your workmates which should hopefully ease the pain as you’ll all be going though it together. It’s also a great way of raising money. Save the Children are asking for a £5 donation from everyone who takes part, with the money raised going to some excellent causes that will transform children’s lives. Good feeling all around then.

I reckon I can do it, but know that I’m underestimating just how hard it will be. Consider it a learning process (even if the only lesson you learn is just how much you love your phone). You could treat it like a game – who will cave in first from your group of friends?

So have you got the courage to put your phone down and take the challenge? To sign up and receive your free Phoneless Friday kit go to




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