What Does Your Watch Say About You?

What Does Your Watch Say About You? – words Alexa Wang

Watches are brilliant, everyday accessories that add both functionality and style to your outfit. There are so many watches to choose from nowadays that you can be sure to find one that will perfectly fit your personality in any occasion.

With the time always on your side, you’ll never find yourself late, and people around you will notice. But just what does your watch say about you?

What Does Your Watch Say About You

You Keep Up to Date with the Trends

Watches are most definitely an item that can show whether or not you have an eye for fashion. Over the last few years, more and more men have become style conscious, keeping up with trends whether they are simple and elegant or bold and flashy. Nixon and Skagen watches are great go-to brands which will reflect these aspects of your personality as they suit both everyday and professional wear.  Those who are riding the steampunk trend might find themselves drawn to the new line of Xeric mechanical watches

You’re a Tech Wiz

If you’re into all things techy you will probably be styling with one of the latest smart watches. It might be slightly big and bulky but this watch will go over and above just telling you the time. You’re likely to be using it to get messages from your phone, be reminded of things with alerts or measuring the activity you’ve done during the day. Smart watches can come in a variety of styles; some will show your geeky side more than others. Your smart watch is probably a simple black or white color and comes with a digital display, featuring many functional buttons. But it might be a more playful watch, like the “retro-tronic watches” from Click, that you use to show off your techie side.

You Prefer Function Over Style

If you’re the type of person who prefers a product because of what it does and not what it looks like, then you probably style with an old retro watch. Luckily for you, even though you’re not too bothered about style, 2016 has seen retro watches appear back in the fashion scene. You’ll stick with the classic brands which create reliable products and are great value for money. Depending on how you prefer to view the time, your watch will either have a digital or dial display. You will wear this watch day in day out and choose a color such as black meaning that your watch fits in with whatever outfit you choose. If you are interested in upgrading your watch, why not take a look at some horween leather watch straps to enhance the look of the watch.

Hopefully this article has helped you to establish how you’ve been wearing your watch. It’s handy to know what different types of watches say about your personality and preferences. So however you want to come across, use this guide to pick your watch perfectly for every occasion or outfit.

What Does Your Watch Say About You? – words Alexa Wang



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