The Roles and Responsibilities of a Maid of Honor

words Alexa Wang

maid of honor

Getting married is a joyous event. The planning and preparation, however, can get overwhelming. As the MOH you have a duty to step up. The bride is indeed relying on you to ensure the day she has dreamed of for her whole life goes off without a hitch. If you are at all confused about the extent of your duties, keep reading.

You Are A Support System

Be prepared. There may be meltdowns and even tantrums. On her wedding day, the bride may be more jittery, frustrated, and anxious than normal. Don’t get emotionally roped in. You need to maintain a level head so that you can effectively calm and reassure the wife-to-be. Offer your best advice, give your best pep talks and according to be sure to take no offense if your advice goes in one ear and out the next. Come prepared to take some hits. But no worries, that will be forgotten in no time. 

Plan The Bachelorette Party

The wedding journey would not be complete without a hen party. Get your creative and fun thinking cap on to blow this out of the water. Your best friend or sibling’s last hurrah should be extremely memorable. This doesn’t mean it needs to be a wild night out, it could be a lovely dinner with all the bridesmaids, some karaoke, and good booze. It could also be something completely unexpected and new to the bride. Whatever avenue you go down, put your all into pulling it together.

Prepare A Speech

maid of honour

Accepting the maid of honor title places you right there in the limelight along with the bride. While the spotlight is reserved for her and her groom, you will be called upon at some point during the reception to give a toast. All eyes will then be on you. The best bet is to plan your speech way in advance. Practice it in front of the mirror and with the bridesmaids. They will be able to guide you if you require assistance and let you know if anything you plan to say is a no-go. 

Act As A Witness

It really is such an honor to be graced with this position. One of your most important duties will be to sign the marriage license, along with the groomsman, as a witness to their marriage. This is not an inconsequential document. It is held in high regard in the church, and the law. This act will forever be remembered by the bride and is another moment where the two of you will be more deeply bonded. 

Have Fun!

Yes! You better believe that this is part of your responsibilities. And it should be very easy to fulfill. The day won’t be focused on anxiety and breakdowns. No! Most importantly, the wedding should be fun. And who should be front and center with the bride cutting it up on the dancefloor? You guessed it, the maid of honor.

Hold your head high and prepare to experience a beautiful rollercoaster of emotions and events as you journey through the day along with the bride. It will be a day you both never forget. 


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