Skincare hacks that can give your skin a healthy glow

words Al Woods

When it comes to your skin, it is just as much about what you put on your body as it is what you put inside your body. Your diet is a huge part of how your skin will look. When you eat healthy food, it will flourish in your skin.

There are many things that you can do to keep your skin looking radiant aside from skincare routine. Make sure you are getting enough rest particularly 6-8 hours of sleep and of course proper diet.

Here are some skincare hacks that can give your skin a healthy glow:

Skincare hacks

Eat Healthy Fats

Fats are good for your skin because it contains omega 6 fatty acids, which are the building blocks for your cell membrane. It doesn’t only hydrate your skin, but also radiates your skin, you will notice that your skin may be dry and dull when you are not eating healthy fats. Some healthy fats are coconut oil, avocado, nuts, salmon and other fishes.

Less Is More

The fewer products that you put on your skin, the better. Quality over quantity so stick to the products that you have that works for you. With a variety of products available in today’s market, this may be a challenge as they claim to address different problems of the skin but having a simpler skincare routine is recommended to also avoid breakouts in trying so many different products.

Skincare hacks 2020

Take Vitamins

Vitamin deficiency also has an effect on your skin, you may notice that you have a dull and dry face. Lack of vitamin A will give you a flaky and dry skin, lack of vitamin D for flaky and irritated skin, lack of vitamin E for sun damage and lack of vitamin C you’ll have flaky and rough skin. In fact, if  you suffered from an accident or injury and it left a scar in your skin, most scar cream also contains antioxidants, hydrating oils, vitamin C and vitamin E for optimal scar healing. There are a variety of products available online as every scar is different and requires different attention but most of them are infused with vitamins for skin repair too!

Drink Lots of Water and Get Some Rest

Staying hydrated has many benefits and it also flushes out all the toxins in your body. It can help maintain your skin’s elasticity and combat the appearance of those dreaded wrinkles. Getting enough sleep will definitely help rejuvenate not only your skin but the entire body.

Makeup Detox

We all love wearing makeup but it is recommended to also have a day off and open up your pores to let your skin breath. If you take a makeup detox, it will let your skin produce oil naturally rather than masking them with makeup products which normally clog your pores. Doing this will help clear your skin.

Most important of all is to own your skin. Focus on what you like about what you see on your skin to help you gain more confidence. When you see all the beautiful things on yourself,   it will radiate beauty from within!


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