Tips for getting perfect skin

Tips for getting perfect skin – article by Alexa Wang

Skincare can be a tricky for even the most experienced of beauty enthusiasts.

Due to a difference in skin types, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution when it comes to getting a clear complexion. Skincare retailer Pure Beauty shares their tips for getting perfect skin plus skincaring for each skin type…


Normal Skin

Even if your skin is ‘normal’, it will still benefit from a skincare regime. Normal skin does not mean it’s perfect – it refers to skin that is not oily or dry, and any oiliness or dryness is rare and quickly resolved. Your pores should not be invisible but they should not be overly obvious either. Normal skin tends to have less wrinkles and lines and a steady, even skin tone.

Caring for normal skin is fairly easy. You should use a gentle cleanser that has antioxidants and skin-repairing ingredients, as well as a simple moisturiser. In warmer weather, you’ll need a moisturiser that offers sun protection to avoid burning. Essentially, you’ll want products that stimulate and hydrate.

Clean your skin in the morning with alcohol-free astringent and moisture with a non-greasy cream. Use good quality makeup through the day if required, then wash off with a mild wash. Apply a nourishing cream for 15 minutes then pat your skin dry. Don’t forget to take care of your body too, moisturising after each daily shower.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is a little harder to care for, with the emphasis shifting from nourishment to removing excess oil. You’ll know you have oily skin because you’ll have enlarged pores, a dull or shiny complexion and be more predisposed to blackheads, pimples and blemishes. You can find out by blotting a normal tissue on your face in the morning. If it comes away blotted, you have oily skin.

You’ll need to spend more time cleaning and cleansing than other skin types. Wash it 2-3 times per day, but only use a mild soap once or the oil glands will be overstimulated. Tone your face with herbal tonics and moisturise with non-greasy moisturisers. Apply a mask once a week that features drying, hydrating ingredients like yoghurt or clay. If you are having an acne outbreak, try and cut down on sugar and carbohydrates.

Dry Skin

Dry skin has low levels of sebum, meaning you don’t maintain oil. It can be flaky and tight after being wiped, which means you need to nourish your skin to help remedy the tight, uncomfortable feeling. Another issue with dry skin is the propensity to age quickly, develop red patches and create more visible lines.

With that in mind, your routine needs to involve shorter exposure to moisture, so take shorter baths and showers. Don’t scrub when you bathe as this can agitate the skin. Instead, apply a rich moisturiser straight after washing. Reapply as necessary. Avoid deodorant soaps and stick to mild, gentle cleansers. Wear hypoallergenic make-up only after allowing any skincare products to thoroughly absorb.

Sensitive Skin

A difficult skin type to care for, sensitive skin is often dry and irritated due to conditions like eczema and allergies. The skin becomes inflamed and irritated – so you’ll have to stick to specialist sensitive skin products to get the most from your skincare.

Of course, there’s also combination skin – but this is a trickier affair as each region will need different treatment. By following the tips above for each ‘type’ of skin, you should be able to improve your complexion and feel more fresh-faced than ever before.

Tips for getting perfect skin – article by Alexa Wang





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