A Beginner’s Guide to Vet Care: How to Help A Dog Recover from An Injury

words Alexa Wang

Dog Recovery

Having a dog at home means having a constant source of energy and joy. With it comes the responsibility of taking care of their needs from feeding, grooming, exercising, and keeping them healthy overall.

However, as much as you try to keep them safe, it’s normal for dogs to experience injuries. It’s something that will be hard for both of you, but you’ll be responsible in taking all measures to nurse them back to health. 

Here are some tips on how to help in your dog’s speedy injury recovery.

Change Their Habits

Your dog will not understand that their injury means they cannot behave the way they usually do. It’s your responsibility to change their behaviors and habits that can take a toll on their injury and hinder recovery. The first week after the injury is the most crucial, you’ll need to ensure there isn’t an opportunity for running around or playing with other dogs. If that means confinement, then it’s a necessary evil. Make sure there aren’t any chances for them to slip or trip and carry them up and down any stairs.

Help Them Rest

dog recover

Just like humans, dogs need their fair share of rest after the stress of suffering an injury. Their energy level will likely not be the same, but you still need to establish the point about confinement which guarantees the needed rest. Getting an appropriate-sized crate is an ideal solution, but it should allow your dog to stand and lay down comfortably. You can make it feel cozier with a blanket and toys and put it somewhere in the house with activity, so they don’t feel isolated. Spoil your fur baby with a massage every now and then after the vet’s approval.

Practice Restrained Activity

Your dog will not be able to stay in confinement 24/7, in fact, it would be harmful since they will need to regain full mobility at some point. During confinement, take out your dog for 15 minutes a couple of times a day, in addition to bathroom breaks both in which you need to be using a short leash to restrict their movement. To keep them entertained during this time, get them toys, have sniffing games on their breaks where you hide things nearby for them to find, or simply put their crate in front of their favorite show on TV.

A Healthy Diet

After suffering an injury, it’s important to stay on top of your dog’s diet more than ever. Ask your vet what foods you should be incorporating in daily meals and which to avoid or minimize. A strong immune system is essential to fight off any infections, that’s why the food you give them can highly impact their recovery. Make sure they get nutritious, high-energy food and a lot of water. If your dog loses their appetite due to their injury, your vet will give you food that is easily spoon-fed and still has all the needed nutrients. 

Use Home Remedies

Herbal treatment is a natural form that could be very beneficial for your dog’s recovery. Herbs don’t interfere with the body’s organs or functions but only support the natural healing process. Herbs like chamomile, fennel rosemary, and thyme have amazing benefits for dogs. Recently, CBD oil has been becoming increasingly popular as a dog remedy for its ability to support joint function, reduce inflammation, enhance the immune system, and promote relaxation. Its uses don’t end there, besides using it in injury recovery, you can also use it to help with seasonal allergies. The best thing about it is that it’s all-natural and safe to use. 

Support A Slow Return

While on their recovering journey, encourage your dog to slowly return their usual activity and routine. Take them swimming at least once a week since moving will be easier in the water. Start to gradually prolong walks and exercise after consulting your vet. It’s important to keep track of their improvement from day one to determine whether they need further medical attention or canine physical therapy. Keep track of any symptoms they experience like vomiting, fatigue, or diarrhea to take necessary measures.

Nursing your dog back to health after an injury is no picnic, but you need to be as patient and caring as possible. Dogs are very sensitive to their owner’s feelings, so try to always keep a positive attitude. Take the process one day at a time and don’t rush it, even if your dog seems better, their bodies still need time to heal. Before you know it, they’ll go back to their happy, energetic selves and you’ll be relieved.


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