5 ways to live a wholesome life

words Alexa Wang

Are you lacking motivation, feeling unsatisfied or just generally in a negative headspace? Check out these top five tips to living a happier, healthier life.

live wholesome life

Maintain a positive mindset

The key here is not to dwell on bad news but instead focus on the positive parts of your life. Glass-half-full people are more likely to have the courage to want to pursue their dreams and reach their goals, because you know what they say – what you believe, you can achieve.

Importantly, don’t hold grudges. Staying mad at someone is more likely to have a negative impact on your life than the person who wronged you. Instead, embrace forgiveness and you will find peace.

Manage your money

Staying on top of your finances will keep your mind at rest. If you set budgets, you’ll feel more comfortable in how you’re spending your hard-earned cash. Prioritise experiences over things. It’s the holidays, the days out, the adventures you go on that you’ll remember forever – not the designer bags.

Importantly, invest in your future – start paying into your pension as soon as you can to help your future self.

healthy life

Work hard

Working hard will bring you satisfaction and ultimately lead to a happier mindset. Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to take risks – if you fail, get back up and try again. Avoid stress by making to do lists and prioritising tasks.

Work hard, but work smart. Nobody will give you a medal at the end of your life for staying late every evening or going into the office at the weekends. Take those holiday days you’re due and fill them with fun.

Leave negative relationships behind

If you’re in an unhappy relationship, be honest with yourself – would you be better off on your own? There are always options. Think carefully about the decisions you make. If you’re married, divorce solicitors will help you make the best decisions at a very difficult time. Or if you’re keen to resolve issues, try counselling.

When you’ve decided to move on, move on for good and focus on the positives in your life.

Figure Out The Future

One of the main reasons people feel unsatisfied and unmotivated is they don’t feel as though there’s a future for them. A way to work around this is to figure out what your next steps are and what you should do. From getting psychic readings to figuring out a goal and planning out how to get there, it’s worth spending time focusing on the future.

By making your plans as wholesome and beneficial for you as possible, you shouldn’t have a problem making your life what you want it to be.

Look after your Health

We’re talking both mental and physical health here.

You can start with sleep. A good night’s sleep improves your memory, focus and even helps maintain a healthy weight. Adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night, so do what you can to achieve this and in turn improve your quality of life. 

When you wake, try meditation. Taking time to be still will remind you to slow down, that life isn’t one long to-do list. Just a few minutes a day will help relieve stress and anxiety.

Finally, keep your diet healthy – but allow yourself the odd indulgence, of course. Regular exercise will give you energy and enhances your wellbeing through the release of endorphins.


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