These are the smartest ways to save money in 2019

words Alexa Wang

Have you been noticing your monthly bills go up a bit in recent months? Struggling to save as much as you used to, without seeing an improvement in quality of life? You’re not alone. Things are getting expensive.

Thankfully, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’re going to look at a few top ways to save money simply and easily in 2019, so you can start saving more and treating yourself.

So, how can you save money in 2019 without noticing too much of a lifestyle change?

1. Get a good savings account

Interest rates have taken a big hit in recent years. While this might be a good thing if you’ve got a big mortgage, it’s not so great for savers.

If you want your money to work for itself and hopefully earn you a good return, you need to shop around for a good savings account. You can look at ISAs and other investment funds, but this will depend on the specifics of how much you have to invest and how much you want to risk.

One relatively new way to save in 2019 is by joining a lending club. These peer-to-peer lending solutions will let you set how much you want to lend and how much risk you’re ok with. You could get returns of over 7% by lending to a number of different projects, businesses, or individuals.

2. Switch energy providers

One of the best ways to save money without noticing any impact to your day-to-day life is by switching energy providers. There’s so much competition in the energy industry these days that you can often find a good fixed-rate introductory offer to make the most of.

If you’ve noticed how expensive your energy bills have got in recent years, you’re not alone. But by switching regularly you can make the most of a highly competitive energy market. Lots of people are making big savings by switching every year.

The good news is, switching is a simple process. It only takes ten minutes and you won’t notice any disruption. Get switching today. can help you save tons on your monthly bills, and they’ll show you how quick and easy it is to switch.

3. Think long term over short

Financial planning works best when it’s done over a long period of time, so think about making small savings & investing those wisely over several decades.

For example, aside from simply switching energy providers, you might want to think about a long-term solution like providing some of your own energy.

While the up-front costs of a wind-turbine or solar panelling can be expensive, it will often pay for itself in the long run. You don’t necessarily need to become completely self-sufficient, but just generating some of your own energy could make a big impact on your bills.

If you generate enough energy, you can actually sell some back to the grid and MAKE money rather than just save. Self-sufficiency could be what you need to save money and start living a more environmentally friendly life.

Other ways to think long term are covering yourself with life insurance.  If you are under 35 you could save a lot of money by planning ahead of time, doing a quick life insurance comparison and finding a great deal.   Many providers discount their plans for younger, healthier customers.

Got any other simple tips to save money in 2019? Let us know what works for you, or if you’ve had any experience with the tips on this page.


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