words Alexa Wang
Far too many uninformed and misguided students abandon their educations after earning a bachelor’s degree with the assumption that the qualification is enough to establish a career. However, this may have been the case in days gone by. Realistically it is not the best decision to join the elusive workforce with no more than a bachelor’s, especially if you are under the impression that working your way up the corporate ladder will be a breeze.
Rather than abandoning your education, you should, at the very least, consider focusing on a post graduate certificate as this qualification is comparable to a third of a master’s degree. Whether you opt for a post graduate certificate or dedicate all your attention to obtaining a master’s degree, you will be able to take advantage of several fantastic career benefits. Just a few of these benefits include a higher average annual salary and an edge in the job market. Nonetheless, here is why your bachelor’s degree is simply not enough.

It Is Only A Stepping Stone
Unfortunately these days almost everyone has a bachelor’s degree considering roughly one-third of adults living in the United States have all earned this qualification. This means that it really cannot set you apart from the crowd, especially when searching for a job. A bachelor’s degree should be considered no more than a stepping stone towards your next qualification. As the job market is hugely flooded with professionals boasting median skills, you should instead focus on furthering your education to give yourself the ultimate edge.
It Cannot Make You An Expert
Once you earn a bachelor’s degree in any field, you will unfortunately not automatically have expertise in the area. As you will simply know the general basics. Even though knowing the basics will give you the upper-hand over those who don’t you won’t stand a chance against students who have taken on the challenge of enhancing their knowledge and skills further.
No Guarantee Of Experience
This degree will definitely tell employers some relevant things about you, such as you have what it takes to make it through college and that you possess some level of generic skills. However, this is often not nearly enough to impress. A bachelor’s degree cannot stand as any experience, which means that your employers will not be aware of any of your capabilities in the industry.
A Right Of Passage; Not A Show Of Skills
Having earned your bachelor’s degree, you are likely under the impression that your hard work and efforts have earned you a spot among top candidates, although quite the opposite is true. This degree may be a right of passage to your next qualification as mentioned; however, it is by no means a show of your skills. Rather than jumping into the deep end of the job market with no more than flakey assumptions, you should carefully consider the importance of continuing your education to give yourself the upper hand. The decision would ultimately prove a wise one when the time is right to enter the working world.