Ways to Boost Your YouTube Channel and Get More Subs

words Al Woods

Boost YouTube Channel

As the internet technology progresses, social media are taking a bigger grip on our lives. With the help of the recent global pandemic and the following lockdowns, online social platforms have become in the highest demand ever.

In particular, YouTube remains one of the best networks for entrepreneurs and businesses to develop on. Being a part of Google corporation, thus a huge video aggregator, this platform occurs to show stable and significant growth for blogs of different kinds. 

But like any other social network bloggers, YouTubers have to pay attention to a lot of factors, and getting more subscribers is a primary task for beginners, as for established channels too. Of course, YouTube bloggers are looking for subs that are active and involved with their content, because having a big, but silent number is not a way to go. And there comes the question of the day – how does one secure the constant growth of subscribers on their channel? Well, the text below is going to help out with some useful tips and techniques! 

Ask Your Viewers Directly

Boost YouTube Channel

Asking people who are watching your videos to subscribe is a common practice that has proven to be effective. You simply add it up to your scenario, to make a small reminder for viewers, in case they have missed the big red button. Of course, this method works with worthy and high-quality content. 

At first, it may seem to you that asking your viewers to subscribe looks a lot like begging and sales style, but here it depends on your performance. In other words, it will seem like what you put into it, so you should make sure you are happy with how it comes out. By subscribing to your channel users are basically showing that they evaluate your content and are eager to support you in your work. 

Remind That You Are Continuing To Work On New Videos

Mostly, people subscribe to the channel because they want to see more content from the creator. So, to encourage this, mention that you are in the progress of making more videos. Viewers will subscribe to you simply not to lose your content and watch it later without additional efforts. 

Using this method of growing your subs number, you must develop a schedule and follow it strictly. Force majors happen, but you must be ready to substitute your content and at least warn your viewers that you have delay or change of plan. That is a good etiquette rule. 

Again About Planning 

Having all your activity organized neatly is a must for anyone who wants to reach success on whatever platform. YouTube is no exclusion to that statement, so you need a content plan for at least a month ahead. The more, the better. Besides, organizing your blogging will help you to spare some time for other activities, thus you will have energy and resources for creating good content. 

For your viewers, knowing the approximate dates of new videos coming out is a plus point for the decision to subscribe. As it was mentioned before, people like to watch their faves on youtube on the regular basis. Thus, being regular in your uploads is a clue to gaining popularity on this platform. For starters, make it once a week, and as your blog grows, increase the quantity to 3-4 videos weekly, if the industry and your personal schedule allows that. The ground rule here – choose a perfect uploading and creating consistency and stick to it. In case it is lesser than a week or so, you will have to catch the attention of your potential subscribers with an over-the-moon quality of your videos. 

Use Cross-Promotion To Gain Subscribers

This is also one of the proven methods to increase your rates on YouTube, but it requires having a somewhat steady audience on other socials, like Instagram or Twitter. Having multiple popular profiles online can be hard to wield, but it repays quite soon. 

  • First of all, forget the reposting thing. Modern entrepreneurs create different content for each platform, securing a bigger target group to be interested. 
  • Divide your profiles by purpose to make production and maintenance easier – for example, Twitter can be a place for more direct communication with your followers, and Instagram can serve as a photo booth for more aesthetic and inspirational content.
  • Promote your YouTube channel subtly, so it doesn’t look too salesy. Offer something exclusive for the content on this platform, so your followers from other networks will be motivated to subscribe. 

Collaborate A Lot

You can get new eyes for your content by becoming friends with other YouTubers. The competition on the platform is not a barrier for that, because in case if we are speaking of non-profits and entrepreneurs, they understand that sharing public is good for both sides of this collaboration. So, there is a possibility to gain respect points by inviting some guests. Connect with other bloggers, or bring guests who aren’t involved, as long as the content itself is interesting and unique. 

Also, guests and interviews are a good idea for a specific content group on your channel, to mix in with your niche material. 

Keep It Within The Industry

Simply talking – don’t try to embrace too much. Having a blog about everything is impossible. Lifestyle blogs, that seem to lack the defined industry, are yet having it – they are concentrated on a personality. But launching and maintaining such a vlog is tough and requires really distinctive features of a persona, because competition is high, and many videos will just drown in the flow of informational junk. 

Using your unique features will work better if attached to a certain niche, like cooking, gaming, tourism, or basically anything. Many bloggers of different industries have built their following within a popular niche using the only skill – to see usual things from an unusual angle. This is an ultimate blogger skill, as it basically a concrete that sticks your performance on YouTube together. 

To sum it up – find what you like to do, and attach your personal charm to it. A little flair of freakiness and wit is optional, yet quite welcome. 

Engage With Your Audience

Like any other network, YouTube was made for communication, so you have to bond with your viewers in all the ways you can. Engaging means keeping the interest of your viewers lit up. The clue is interactiveness! You must reach out to your viewers and get the response – views, likes, comments, and hitting the subscription button. Here are the versatile tips to increase your engagement rates on YouTube:

  • Talk to your audience and be open and easy to reach. 
  • Make sure your followers are heard and appreciated.
  • Offer topics to discuss and ask questions.
  • Keep your tones light
  • Add humor and encourage wits among your viewers.
  • Provide ways to expose user-generated content.
  • Make a contest or a lottery.
  • Celebrate numbers and show your gratitude for the attention you get. 

Work On The Visuals

Humans are relying on their vision a lot, this is a primary perception instrument for our kind. That is why people enjoy harmonious and beautiful designs. With that given, your branding and visual representation is what will also motivate people to subscribe to your channel. Your looks have to be neat, stylish, and recognizable. These are the three whales of your visuals. To get some inspiration, look through your favorite channels on youtube and define what do you like the most in their designs. This is a good basement for developing your unique style. 

Tip: you can also encourage some user-generated content and improve your visual concept with it. 


To gain more subscribers on your channel you must launch a whole complex of activities and count in a bunch of factors that are specific to your niche. But whatever methods you choose, you must keep in mind that quality is always over quantity in this matter, because being popular on YouTube is not all about numbers. 


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