Drones are changing the world & here’s how…

Drones are changing the world & here’s how… words Alan Woods

From delivering pizza to your front door to inspecting oil rigs to providing humanitarian aid to those in need. Drones are changing the world and here’s a list of only some of the things that they can do.

Drones are changing the world

Delivering packages

Packages that weigh less than 5 pounds (which equates to about 85% of Amazon’s total orders) are light enough to be delivered by drone, and some companies are now testing how they can deliver their products to customers safely. Dominoes have already begun to test drones to deliver pizzas in New Zealand! It could all be done easily through an Amazon delivery app.

Improving agriculture

Farmers throughout the world have recently discovered that drones are a great way to monitor the health of their fields. Where it would cost a lot more to fly a helicopter or a small plane over their crops, a drone can be flown over every day for a lot cheaper and can help to estimate the yield of a crop. Special software may allow farmers to detect diseases and flooding or to efficiently apply pesticides and fertilisers.

Transporting medical aid

According to the World Health Organisation, there are currently somewhere between 1.3 billion to 2.1 billion people on the planet who don’t have access to essential medication. This is why the Californian-based drone manufacturer Zipline created drones that cover a 50-mile radius. Now, health centres in Rwanda can send a text message to order blood and essential medications. Other similar efforts have involved organisations including UNICEF and Doctors Without Borders. This is one part of the postive impact of drones on society.


Inspecting oil rigs 

Oil is vital to the survival to many economies throughout the world, and it is essential that the industry is accurately monitored to assess production, safety and environmental compliance. Camera drones can detect corrosion, provide an analysis of cracks and detect any spillage or leaks much more accurately and safely than it would be to employ a team to do this manually.

Forecasting weather

If a severe tropical storm were to be on its way, a drone would be able to enter the most dangerous boundaries of the storm and measure things like air pressure, humidity, temperature and wind detection. Although this will be unable to prevent dangerous weather, it will provide more of a warning to those who may be in danger.

Conserving wildlife

Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts have recently used drones to monitor the health of humpback whales, and the U.S. Geological Survey has used them to observe sandhill cranes in Colorado. However, the biggest effort when it comes to wildlife conservation is the use of drones to police land where poachers are rife.

Keeping your home or business safe

Advanced surveillance for your home or business has never been easier. Surveillance drones can be launched in a short space of time if you need a quick aerial risk assessment and can automatically recognise, track and follow subjects as they move. Some drones with advanced tech even have partner apps that include an option for homeowners to notify the police of any suspicious activity. Commercial drone websites such as Coptrz offers great perks if you buy a DJI Inspire 2 surveillance drone.

Drones are changing the world & here’s how… words Alan Woods


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