Editing documents on the go – The most efficient way to work

words Alan Woods

If you find that you never have time to go through your documents and edit them accordingly or even create new ones from scratch, you might want to look into editing documents on the go.

Surely there are moments when you are just traveling from one place to another and don’t really have anything to do. Might as well pull out your laptop or even tablet and start working so that you will not have to deal with as big of a workload when you get off the bus or the train.

If you don’t find yourself in those kind of means of transportations enough, surely you have a commute to work which you can use. That is of course, unless you’re driving the car yourself. In case you do manage to find a window for getting  some work done on the road, here are some things that might help you out when mobile computing.

Work online instead of waiting for software to download and install

This one is pretty important because you can lose a lot of time waiting for certain software to get installed. Mobile computing technology is changing all the time. When you work, you might often stumble across files that need a specific software to be read. Downloading that software will take time that you are trying to use in another way. Consider using online resources to finish your job. For example, if your computer can’t read PDF, don’t bother trying to install appropriate software. You can just use a PDF editor online to get the job done.

Don’t use WiFi, stick to mobile data

You should never use WiFi when traveling. There are two types of networks that you can access in this situation and neither solution is a good solution. You either connect to someone’s open WiFi or the connection from a nearby bar or restaurant, or you use the available network from the public transportation vehicle you are in. The first one is obviously no good because you will be constantly moving and therefore will lose the connection every time. And the second one is bad because just like you, all the other passengers might be trying to go online as well. This will make the bandwidth almost nonexistent and make the internet connection to be sloppy and inefficient, costing you even more time that you don’t have.

Instead of using WiFi, use your own mobile data. It’s a bandwidth that is dedicated to you and it’s a signal that comes from radio towers which also give your cell its signal. What that means is that as long as you can call someone you can also use the internet with such a connection. Keeping this in mind can be very useful. The future of mobile computing is moving fast. It is important we try to keep up.


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