Five Technologies That Will Protect Your Business

words Al Woods

As a business grows, it becomes clear just how many valuable assets you might be holding within it and, over time, you might even have an experience where these assets are put at risk. For many, this is the wake-up call that’s needed to invest in the security technologies that can help protect your business.

However, you shouldn’t need that wake-up call, you should make yourself aware of that threat and what you can do to protect against it now. For that reason, here are five technologies that can make your business much more secure.

Business Technologies

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Don’t let intruders move with impunity

The most basic system that you can install is that of the security alarm system. Preventing break-ins can help you ensure that your business assets are safe, but if you can’t prevent them wholesale, then you need to make sure that intruders aren’t given the freedom to simply go through your property without anything to check them. You can get security systems that give off loud alarms to attract attention to the scene, and these are the most basic systems, but the more sophisticated smart options will either alert you directly or alert someone who is monitoring the system, who can then get in touch with you or can even call the police on your behalf. This can help you react much more quickly to an invasion of your business property.

Keep an eye on the situation

The other technology that is most commonly used when it comes to defending the business is that of the CCTV set-up. Nowadays, wireless surveillance cameras are much easier to set up than the rather clunky systems of the past. First of all, the obvious benefit of these systems is that they are able to record everything that happens on your business property or site, which can make it easier to identify not just when something has happened, but also who has done it, and what kind of security faults might have allowed it to happen. Live attention monitoring your CCTV can also help you prevent and interrupt theft in progress. What’s more, CCTV systems also provide a level of deterrence. Most criminals are opportunists and are looking for easy targets, so they are more likely to ignore sites with CCTV.

Start controlling who accesses what

If you have assets that only certain people should be able to access, then you should consider making sure that only those individuals can reach them in the first place. Keycard systems can be very helpful for doing just that, and if you put them on your stockroom doors, they can even record who had access to what inventory at what times. Of course, you can also use these card systems on the entrance of the workplace, which can allow you to ensure that only people who are authorized to be on your property can access it in the first place.

Protect your inventory

Of course, you might want to put some protections aside for the assets that you’re trying to secure in the first place. There is a wide range of ways to do this, such as safes for smaller items or locks that can hold larger items in place, usually by securing them against something else. When it comes to larger assets, such as digital technology, like computers, or even vehicles and site equipment, you might want to consider the kind of GPS technology that you could potentially attach to them, which would allow you to track them from afar if they are stolen, making sure they don’t get too far.

Don’t forget your digital assets

Many of us are becoming much more aware of the threats specific to the digital world, as well. There is data you might store that could do a lot of damage if it fell into the wrong hands. At a minimum, a breach can see you losing access to your digital technology, causing costly downtime for the business. To that end, you should consider what digital security you can invest in, which can include technology such as anti-malware suites, business-class firewalls, as well as systems such as threat detection and logging, that can be used by cybersecurity professionals to monitor your network and act in the event of a potential breach.

If you have anything in your business that you want to protect, then you should be investing in the technologies that help you do just that. There are more types than just the examples named above but they are a start.


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