Gastric Band – Dustin Binman – Demented Prog Rock Disco

Why do I like this? Well Gastric Band is a great name and as for the song title – Dustin Binman – that has to be admired. It’s got a slightly demented prog rock party band feel. Imagine an experimental jazz band getting high on something illegal and trying to turn heavy metal.

Or  should have been the other way around? It could possibly be a disco track for an end of the world party but someone has changed all the time signatures around. Always a good trick that.

It’s very much an onslaught and your body wants to fight it but if you let it wash over you it’s a bit like having an ancient masseur run up and down your spine.

Now let’s talk about the video. Some kind of weird party this. Just 3 women? Why are they politely smacking each other? Somewhere between erotica and Keystone Cops. Does it help to illuminate the track? Not really – but who cares?

The debut album, ‘Party Feel’ is out on CD/DL on Monday 3rd June 2013

For more on Gastric Band’s Dustin Binman see


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