Space saving hacks for those living in the capital

Space saving hacks for those living in the capital – words Alexa Wang

If you’re living in the capital, space is often at a premium. However, this doesn’t have to mean you sacrifice the interior design of your property or any of the belongings you want to house within it.

Therefore, to help you maximise your space, we’ve revealed some of the best space saving hacks available:


Make Your Furniture Work Harder

When you’re cramped into a small space, you have to become quite minimalist with your furniture. However, that shouldn’t necessarily mean that you have to eat your dinner on your knee because you haven’t got room for a table.

Instead, look for versatile ways you can use your furniture for more than one purpose. For example, an extendable table will make a great sideboard or desk when it’s folded down – but when guests come round for dinner or you need some extra surface space you can transform it into a larger table. Good interior ideas for living rooms can create space for you.

You might also want to get clever with other features such as ottomans. Not only are these great for storage but they provide you with additional seating as and when you need it.

Store Your Bike Inside

Living in London often means a commute to work every day, whether it’s on the Tube or by your own muscle-powered transport. Bikes are often a great way to get around the city, but when you’re living in a small apartment this can pose a problem with storage. A clunky bike that takes up your entire hallway isn’t ideal.

However, there are some unique solutions available, including a folding bike that not only allows you to store it in your under-the-stairs cupboard, but is also great for putting in your locker at work. This vastly reduces the risk of it getting stolen and also removes the annoying aspect of a wet seat after a heavy downpour!

Get Rid of Things You Don’t Need

Finally, if you’re only just moving into a smaller house or you want to make more of the space you’re currently living in, it’s time for a clear out. Once you get to it, it’s surprising just how much stuff you can get rid of, whether you donate it to charity, give it to friends or place it in storage for the time being. Consider what’s absolutely essential for your life in the city before removing anything that isn’t. And if you’re struggling to decide what to keep, think about what you’ve used in the last six months. Anything that hasn’t seen the light of day for half a year or more isn’t an ‘essential’ so find a new home for it.

And there you have it! Some quick and easy ways to make the most of your space in the city and without too much of a compromise.

Space saving hacks for those living in the capital – words Alexa Wang


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