​Helpful Tips for Staying Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

words Alexa Wang

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 health crisis, over 5.4 million Americans have contracted the Coronavirus. The severity of the symptoms caused by this virus varies based on a person’s age, health, and immune system response. As many parts of the country start to open back up, more and more people are beginning to venture out into public places.

If you are going back to work after some time off, your main goal should be staying healthy and avoiding the Coronavirus altogether. While there is no remedy for this virus yet, there are things you can do to boost your immune system and keep dangerous bacteria at bay. Here are some things you can do to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Staying Healthy covid

Find Ways to Boost Your Immune System

One of the main things you need to focus on when trying to combat the Coronavirus is strengthening your immune system. Over time, a person’s immune system will fall into a state of disrepair due to things like vitamin deficiencies and a bad diet. Rather than allowing a weakened immune system to take you out of the game, you need to find ways to boost this vital part of your body.

Doing things like eating a healthy diet, taking elderberry gummies, and working out on a regular basis are all crucial components in boosting your immune system. While making these lifestyle changes will be difficult at first, but you will get accustomed to them quickly. The time and effort invested in boosting your immune system will pay off when you can avoid getting sick.

Work on Exercising Daily

The term “quarantine fifteen” has become quite popular in the last few months. This term is used to describe the 15 lbs. many people are tacking on while being locked away in their homes. Eating out of boredom can result in you gaining weight and becoming very unhealthy. While having the occasional cheat meal is acceptable, you need to avoid making a habit of consuming bad foods. You also need to work on getting plenty of exercise while in quarantine. 

Luckily, there are tons of online workout videos designed to make getting your daily intake of cardio easier. If at all possible, you need to find ways to get outside and exercise. Going for a walk around your neighborhood is essential when trying to clear your mind and get some vitamin D in your system. If you have the money, investing in at-home exercise devices like the Peloton is crucial. 

This exercise bike features a system that is capable of live streaming workouts to your screen. Working out with people from around the world is a great way to keep your exercise time fun and engaging. Taking the time to research the various at-home exercise devices is a must before making a purchase.  

Drink Plenty of Water

Staying healthy requires you to consume lots of water on a daily basis. If your body is dehydrated, your immune system will weaken. This will make you more susceptible to infection and viruses, which is why you need to focus on staying hydrated. Ideally, you should drink no less than 4 liters of water on a daily basis. Adding things like mint, cucumber, or other fruits to your water can give it some flavor. 

There are also many flavored water additives on the market designed to provide this liquid with a burst of taste. Finding the right flavor may require some trial and error. Over time, you will get used to drinking the right amount of water daily. With the right amount of hydration, keeping your vital organs and immune system healthy will be easy. 

Keep Your Face Covered In Public Places

Perhaps the most significant change brought on by the COVID-19 health crisis is the widespread use of facemasks. For years, other countries have used facemasks to stop the spread of things like the flu. However, this practice is relatively new to most Americans. If you are venturing out to a public, you need to have a facemask on to protect yourself and the people around you.

If you live in an area where hot summer temperatures are typical, finding ways to comfortably wear your facemask is crucial. The best way to accomplish this is by investing in a mask made from a breathable material. Attempting to go out in public without a facemask is a horrible idea that can lead to you contracting a multitude of viruses. This is why you need to take wearing one of these masks seriously.

getting Healthy covid

Frequent Hand Washing is Important

If you have read the Center For Disease Control’s (CDC) guidelines regarding the Coronavirus, you are familiar with how much they stress handwashing. Anytime you come in contact with surfaces in a public area or handle items that were delivered to your home, it is best to wash your hands with warm water for at least twenty seconds.

In situations where you are unable to wash your hands with soap and water, you need to use hand sanitizer. By getting in the habit of washing your hands multiple times a day, you can keep harmful germs and bacteria at bay. Teaching these handwashing habits to your children is also crucial when trying to keep them safe and healthy.

Turn Off Electronic Devices For a While

Not only do you need to focus on keeping your body healthy during COVID-19, but you also need to find ways to keep your mental health in check. Spending all of your time on social media websites or watching the news can take a toll on your mental health over time. This is why you need to make an effort to turn off your devices occasionally. Reading a book or listening to music is a great way to reset your mind and refocus your energy into something positive. 

Staying Well is Hard Work

Using the tips in this article can help you stay healthy and germ-free. Consulting with your primary care physician is also a great way to figure out more ways to protect your body from the Coronavirus. 


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