Tag: driving tips

learning to drive UK

Simplifying learning to drive in the UK

words Al Woods For many learners, the first time they get behind the wheel ...

Car Paint Job

Car Lovers Reveal: 6 Mind-Blowing Hacks to Shield Your Paint Job

words Al Woods Are you a car enthusiast? Hate seeing your beloved ride with ...

driving skills

Why It Is Important To Refresh Your Driving Knowledge And Skills

words Al Woods Driving is a skill that requires constant practice, and it’s important ...

driving tips

Seven Tips For Being More Aware When You’re Driving

words Al Woods Driving takes a lot of skill. You have to know and ...

Your Driving Test

How To Make The Most Of Your Time Before Taking Your Driving Test

words Alexa Wang While Birmingham is currently in Tier 3, you will be glad ...

road traffic congestion

UK traffic congestion study reveals roads are getting safer

words Alexa Wang Even though roads can sometimes feel busier than ever, our roads ...

Driver Fatigue

Driver Fatigue Dangers, and How to Combat Them

words Al Woods At some point in their lives, many individuals try to stay ...

Driver Weather Conditions

The 6 Deadliest Driver Weather Conditions

words Alexa Wang You might think you’re a superb driver, and your record backs ...

Lane Splitting Motorbike

Does Lane Splitting With A Motorcycle Increase Rider Safety?

words Alexa Wang Most people do not enjoy rush hour traffic. The congested four-lane ...

driving safely

Tips for driving safely in heavy traffic

words Al Woods Do you live in a big city? Or do you commute ...