words Al Woods

Credit: Tuur Tisseghem Via Pexels
With options for online shopping becoming commonly available, it might be tempting to think that retail purchasing is moving entirely to the digital realm. For many shoppers, however, going to a physical store or shopping centre is about more than merely acquiring goods: it is about an experience that includes features that are still not possible online.
For those in this position, here are a few of the best reasons why the physical shopping centre will never disappear:
1) Trying It on for Size
Certain items, especially shoes and bras, are too big a gamble to trust to digital photos and customer reviews. While you might be able to match your size to a number or scale in the case of many clothing items, we all know that the actual size of items can be inconsistent, especially when it regards online shopping where the product can be manufactured anywhere in the world. For items that require a hands-on approach, you’re going to want to access a store that includes a changing room.
2) Customer Service
Algorithms and online robots are not equivalent to the advice of an informed sales assistant. One of the reasons you love to shop at your favourite stores is that you become familiar with people who are excellent at helping you find the products you want. If you only shop online, you’ll miss out on interacting with a real person who understands your tastes and can give informed advice – you might also miss out on a valuable friendship.
3) Meeting New People
One of the reasons malls became so enormously popular was that they provided a place to hang out and meet new people without requiring that you reach a certain age, consume alcohol or even make large purchases. While today’s teenagers might spend a lot of their time on social media websites, they are no equivalent for meeting new friends in person.
4) Avoiding FOMO
You can chat with many people online, but sitting alone at your computer desk will never fully satisfy those who experience FOMO or the fear of missing out. Shopping centres aren’t just places for tweens and teens to meet new people; it’s where they can go to hang out with friends.
5) Shopping by Intuition
The internet may allow easy access to various online stores, but it doesn’t allow you to get into the middle of a shopping mall and browse until you find the exact thing you’re looking for. When you have a large selection of retail stores at your disposal, it can be much easier to ensure you have the right article of clothing that you need.
Given that none of these things can move online, they present excellent arguments why you might want to abandon the in-store shopping experience altogether. They also suggest that shopping in a physical building is not going to go anywhere any time soon. Check out an online shopping website to find the best new shopping experiences in your neighbourhood today.