7 Great Reasons Why Kayak Is A Great Water Sport For Everyone

words Al Woods

kayak sport

Getting out into the open air and hanging with mother nature is one of the best things we can do as humans. It has amazing mental and physical benefits and whatever you choose to do, it’s great fun. Some like to get out and go for a run, whilst others like sitting in a local park with a good book and a flask of coffee.

Something we should all start to do more is going on adventures, no matter how big or how small, and one of the best ways we can do that is by taking to the rivers in a kayak. Let’s take a look at 7 great reasons as to why kayaking is a brilliant water sport for all ages. 

It’s For Any Age 

One of the nicest things about a trip down the river is that it doesn’t matter how old you are, you can still take part. Kayaking can be as easy or as hard as you make it, so if you fancy an adventure that’s not too strenuous you can find an appropriate route and get going. It’s a fantastic family activity and because of this you can bring your children and your grandparents and everyone will be ok. Just make sure everyone understands how to stay safe on a river, and you’ll have a great day! 

It’s More Than Just A Boat 

You can do many things with a kayak, a simple trip downstream or tackling some white water rapids, you can even fish off some specifically designed ones. The professionals of FantasticKayaks.com state that finding a kayak that’s suited for you and your family isn’t easy, as there are so many out there. This is why doing your research first is imperative to be able to actually enjoy your trip. You don’t want to get out on the river for a relaxed, leisurely paddle and realise you’ve bought a playboat that’s designed for skilled kayakers. Decide what you want to get out of your kayak and research accordingly, that way you’re guaranteed to have a brilliant time. 

Mental Health 

There’s something very calming about the sound of running water, wind through the trees, and bird song, and you get all three of these whilst kayaking. Being able to settle into a situation that will help you destress and relax is a fantastic way to improve your mental health. Not only that but when you exercise your brain releases endorphins that enhance your mood and make you feel ten times better than before you did your exercise. So it will also increase your happiness, besides, what’s better than being with your friends, in the sun, on an adventure together? 

Why Kayak

Physical Health 

Kayaking is a physical exercise and can be as strenuous as you make it. Taking part in physical exercise will help you in many areas but most importantly it will help your heart, one of the most important things in our body. Our heart is a muscle and needs to be exercised in order to maintain decent health, we do this by taking part in cardiovascular exercise and getting our heart rate up. Strengthening this muscle will help with blood flow and your stamina. The best bit of all is that if you’re tired you can take a break wherever you want, sit there afloat for a while and take in the sights. 

Weight Loss

On top of being physically and mentally healthier, you will see a change in your body shape if you decide to take on kayaking as a form of weekly exercise. It can be pretty challenging so if you’re eating well at the same time there is no doubt in my mind you will lose weight by taking to the river. The beginning stage of any journey regarding weight loss is always difficult so if we can incorporate an activity that we love and enjoy then there’s plenty of reasons why we are going to continue with it. Once you start losing weight you are going to see improvements in all areas of your life and you’ll end up feeling more positive than ever!

Group Activity 

Sure, you can head out alone if you want to, but kayaking is best served with a large side dish of your friends. It’s a fantastic activity that can be enjoyed by large groups at a time. Heading out on an adventure is brilliant when you’re with people because you discover things together, you enhance your friendships and create bonds that can’t be created anywhere else. There really is something about spending time in nature with other people, even more so when floating on water. 

Sleep Quality 

I for one am someone that struggles with my sleep, no matter what I do during the day I can’t seem to wind down at a sensible time, that is until I found kayaking. You take in so much information during the day and you have to concentrate or you’re at risk of taking a plunge! On top of that my whole body works, your legs work within the kayak as well as the driving force of your core and arm strength so I’m physically drained at the end of the day, both mentally and physically. I usually fall asleep pretty quickly after a day on the river, and that helps with my sleep cycle for the next few days.

These 7 reasons should be taken seriously by anyone looking at starting a new sport. Don’t be afraid of a kayak and be respectful of the water. If you can do these things then you’ll have a great time on your adventures. Get out there whilst it’s sunny, get your vitamin D fix and take the steps to feel better every day. 


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