visualplanet – how to turn a shop window into a touchscreen

Back in 2002 one man imagined an interactive high street where you could touch a shop window and a whole world of information would open up to you.

Eventually the company visualplanet was born and they produce some incredibly fine touchfoils that are clear and can be bonded onto glass turning a shop window into a touchscreen.

The applications are wide and the possibilities endless. It’s a great example of imagination and British technological know-how coming together. It can make a show window interactive on the high street or enable viewers to interact with adverts whilst in transit.

It’s a very precise technology with lots of potential uses. To get the touchfoils to their various customers they needed a shipping service that they could trust. As you can see from the video FedEx offered them a bespoke service that enabled them to ship their touchfoils to 85 countries worldwide regardless of the size. They can ship at short notice and quickly for the company too which as a great asset in this fast moving high technology environment. This allows visualplanet to do what it does best and push their technology in new and imaginative ways as the company grows.


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