100% Character Uncovered – Amir’s Extraordinary Story on the Universal Channel

This is a paid advertorial for Universal Channel

100% Character Uncovered – Amir’s Story on the Universal Channel – words Alan Woods

Universal Channel are highlighting the stories of some real unsung heroes in their new campaign- 100% Character Uncovered.

These are extraordinary stories where people bravely step into new territory, putting themselves out of their comfort zone to achieve something quite exceptional.

In one of the films we get to meet Amir. He was brought up on a rough estate and was in trouble when he was younger but has turned his own life around. Rather than be content with that though he wanted to help people who had been in a similar position to himself. More of his friends ended up in prison than got to go to college. He wanted to try and do something to change that.

He had a difficult time growing up and ended up buying stolen bikes and doing them up to make ends meet. After he turned his life around he realised how important these bikes must have been to their owners and how important it was to take a positive path. It took courage and humility for Amir to change his own life and he was then determined to help others. He started ‘Your Bike; which gives young people training and employment opportunities as they revitalise and revamp unwanted and broken bikes. They give the bikes a new lease of life but this also turn the lives around of many of the young people involved.


He sees this as putting a stepladder down to help others climb up and make a new life for themselves. It’s an inspiring film and really makes you think.

It is possible to change the way we are and find a new path no matter how difficult our lives might seem.

You can follow Amir’s story via Universal Channel’s Facebook. You can also check out the other amazing characters featured on their website including Lorraine who was inspired to become a Lifeboat crew member after she capsized at sea in an area with no rescue services when she was just 16 years old. Check out her story here

100% Character Uncovered – Amir’s Story on the Universal Channel – words Alan Woods



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