Anish Kapoor & Artist Friends do Gangnam Style Video for Al Weiwei

Releasing this video is a bold move and rather clever idea by Amnesty International and Anish Kapoor that we support wholeheartedly. It’s also very funny.

Watch as Anish and a whole host of famous and not so famous artists strut their stuff in fine form in similar Gangman style to the now legendary video. Those who took part include artists Mark Wallinger, Bob and Roberta Smith and Tom Phillips, dancers Tamara Rojo and Deborah Bull, Southbank Centre Director Jude Kelly and many others.

The main object of the film? To show Al WeiWei and other imprisoned artists that they do now stand alone. This came about after Ai Weiwei’s parody of rapper PSY’s popular music film that used handcuffs to comment on the lack of freedom in China was immediately removed from the web by the Chinese authorities.

Anish Kapoor said:

“Our film aims to make a serious point about freedom of speech and freedom of expression. It is our hope that this gesture of support for Ai Weiwei and all prisoners of conscience will be wide-ranging and will help to emphasise how important these freedoms are to us all.”

More on Amnesty International at


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