An easy guide to the best skin care routine for normal skin

words Alexa Wang

 best skin care routine

It’s generally accepted that are four types of skin: normal, dry, oily, and combination. Each benefits from a different routine, and each has specific properties that require a specialized strategy in order to ensure it’s healthy and glowing.

But skincare is about a lot more than just indulging vanity and trying to look young. It’s common to assume that people who obsess over their skin are just trying to turn back the clock and ward off the imperfections of time, but skin is one of the most important components of your body and it needs to be looked after consistently.

Why You Should Look After Your Skin

Did you know that your skin is actually an organ, just like your heart, lungs, or stomach? Moreover, it’s the body’s first line of defense against disease or infection, so it’s absolutely imperative that you take good care of it.

Skin has three central functions to ensure your continued overall health: protection, regulation, and sensation. The first layer of the skin has a special kind of membrane that includes a sort of embedded filter. This filter, also known as a semipermeable membrane, decides what can pass through the skin and enter the body. The biological intelligence of this semi-permeable membrane is quite extraordinary, in that it can prevent us from getting a wide variety of diseases. This accounts for the protective function of the skin.

skin care normal skin

The other two functions, regulation and sensation, are also very important. Regulation is when your skin helps to regulate itself. The best example of this is its reaction to changes in temperature. When your body is too warm, for example, it will make you sweat. The function of this is actually to cool your body down and ensure fluids are regulated. With regards to sensation, then, the skin has a ton of nerves incorporated into it, and these nerves help us to protect ourselves from danger.

Clearly, our skin has a lot to do with keeping us safe and healthy. Thus, taking care of it will not only make you look good, it will also promote overall good health. Let’s read on to find out how to figure out if you have normal skin, and how to take care of it:

How to Know if You Have Normal Skin

If you’re not sure what kind of skin you have, it’s useful to figure out your skin type before committing to any kind of skin care routine. There are plenty of guides on this, so let’s focus on the normal skin type. People with a normal skin type are very lucky, since this is the type that other types aim for. Normal skin is strong, supple, has ample moisture, an even skin tone, and small pores. If you’re lucky enough to have a normal skin type, you might think you don’t need to have a skin care routine, but it’s important to maintain what you already have.

The Best Skin Care Routine for Normal Skin

If you’re wondering how to take care of normal skin, you’ve certainly come to the right place! Here is an easy guide to the best skin care routine for normal skin:

  • Drink Plenty of Water
skin care normal skin

Water helps to ensure you have enough moisture in your skin, and it can actually help you look younger too. Moisture is one of the key things people with any skin type have to think about with regards to their skin. Most skin issues result from dry or cracked skin, so making sure to get your eight glasses of water a day is a great step for any skin type.

  • Avoid Too Many Products

Most skincare guides will tell you you need to have a million products to ensure a good skincare regime, but this simply isn’t true. In fact, overloading your skin with too many products is not a good thing, and will leave your skin stressed out.

  • Check Ingredients

Many products we buy will say they’re organic or natural, but this is simply a deceptive marketing strategy. No matter what product you’re thinking of using, read the ingredients list thoroughly. If you see a bunch of scientific names and have no idea what they are, chances are it’s full of random chemicals. If you’re truly serious about good skincare, you can even make your own products at home.

  • Cleanse, Tone and Moisturize

The three general steps to any skincare routine are cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. There is absolutely no need for day and night creams, serums, and all the rest. All you have to do is carry out these three basic steps twice a day, and you can actually keep things very simple when you see what each step entails:

effective skin care routine
  • Castile Soap or Oil for Cleansing

For the cleansing stage, avoid fragrant and overly expensive products. Instead, just use a nice bar of castile soap, or even buy it in liquid form. Goat’s milk soap is great too. Once a week, simply swap your castile soap for coconut or olive oil and do an oil cleansing session. Oil, on the other hand, is wonderful for removing grime from pores and making your face feel amazing. Finding the best daily skin health product for cleansing is important, so make sure you use one of the two options mentioned above. Knowing what you are putting on your face is key, and this method ensures that.

  • Use Water as a Toner

No one tells you this, but water is actually the best toner out there. After washing your face with a natural soap like castile soap, simply splash water over your face. Yes, it really is as easy as this.

  • The Moisturizing Stage

You can choose whichever moisturizer you wish, and you will eventually find one that is perfect for your unique skin. The best moisturizing ingredients include cocoa butter, shea oil, and olive oil. When you do your oil cleansing once a week, you don’t even need to moisturize afterwards. You will immediately notice how soft and supple your skin is. Moisturizing after a shower is the best time to do it as it will lock in the extra water from the shower (even after drying).


Now that you understand the importance of skin on a biological level and have figured out whether your skin falls under the normal category or not, it’s up to you to make a commitment to carry out a regular skincare routine. This can be boosted with supplements such as nmn supplements to promote healthy aging and increased energy. Taking care of your skin will improve both your mental and physical health.

There are many skin treatments that are conducive to relaxation and pampering, and nothing is more refreshing than a splash of cold water on your face in the morning. There are many things you can do to improve your skin and take better care of your health, so after reading our easy guide you’ll be well on your way to seizing the day and acing your daily activities with more fervor than ever before!


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