Business Travel: How to Make the Most of Going Abroad For Work

words Al Woods

Business Travel tips

Business Travel: How to Make the Most of Going Abroad For Work

Business travel can be a stressful time for even the most regular traveller, with deadlines, meetings and the need to make the trip productive all adding to the pressure. Sometimes that means there is no time to compare business credit cards or even choose a hotel you really like. Going abroad for work should be an enjoyable experience, after all, you are still experiencing another country. Making the most of your business travel is easy if you know what to do. Here are some ideas to get the most out of your next work trip abroad.

Don’t Get Caught Out

Money and currency are arguably one of the most stressful elements of going overseas, for both business and pleasure. Converting currency, wondering if your bank card will work are all legitimate questions to ask. One of the best ways to make sure you get the most out of your next business trip abroad, be sure to bring a credit card with you. Credit cards, especially global brands like Mastercard and Visa are accepted in almost all countries around the world. 

Carrying a credit card with you means you don’t have to stress about available funds, how you’ll pay for something and mean you can enjoy your trip even more. If you are smart, you can even earn additional loyalty points by using your credit card to book flights, hotels or even activities at your destination.

Plan Ahead

Before you leave there is no doubt you’ll have an itinerary for all of your business meetings, events or required work. Take some time before you leave to work out what free time you have to explore your destination as a tourist. Do some research on the area you’re staying in and find some fun activities to do at night or on the days where you don’t have work commitments. Depending on your destination, you may find work starts a little later or the nightlife goes a lot later, which means you should have ample time to enjoy the sights whilst still fulfilling all of your work commitments. 

Bring Cities Together

Depending on your destination abroad, you may be able to squeeze a host of visits to multiple cities in one visit. In Europe for example, the time it takes to traverse multiple cities and countries is next to nothing. Be prepared to look beyond the city you land in and see what other opportunities there are to meet with clients or potential clients in other cities. If you work it correctly, the singular trip could have a lot more benefits and you can bring back a lot of good news to your employer as well.

Learn the culture

When you travel abroad whether it’s for business or pleasure, you should always take the time to learn the local culture. This means learning international business culture as well, perhaps there are customs or traditions you’re not familiar with, that if not followed could jeopardise a meeting. Take the time to learn these customs and traditions and you could turn a mediocre meeting into a spectacular one.  Not only will you bring back more good news for your employer, but you will also earn the respect of the client or customer for taking the time to learn about their country and culture.

Business travel is a fantastic opportunity to learn new things, see new countries and bring back some amazing insights for your business. The goal of any trip should be to exceed expectations and one of the best ways is to be prepared. To make the most of any upcoming business trips abroad, be sure to take the time to digest these tips and see how far your next business trip can take you.


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