7 step guide to taking care of skin as you age

Step into a new beauty routine and follow these simple tips for taking care of your skin as you age.

skin as you age

Up your fruit and veg intake

Our top tip for taking care of your skin and the signs of aging skin is to eat a healthy diet and to up your fruit and vegetable intake.

Always eat a broad range of veg, ensuring you eat a ‘rainbow’ diet, but for skin health, be sure to include foods which are red and purple, think summer fruits and berries, aubergines, tomatoes, peppers and pomegranates.

Also, include a strong contingent of orange fruit and veg such as carrots, sweet potatoes and mangos, containing beta-carotene these orange foods have antioxidant qualities which help reduce inflammation and help the skin aging process.

Eat oily fish

Be sure to include oily fish in your diet to up your intake of essential fatty acids and Vitamin B12. Fish like mackerel, herring, trout and salmon are all great sources of Omega 3 oils. Oily fish has anti-inflammatory qualities which relieve red and irritated skin and helps avoid aging skin spots. Mackerel is also a key source of Vitamin B12, which helps prevent dark and white spots appearing, keeping your skin looking an even tone.

If you don’t eat fish, try almonds and flaxseeds for their hydrating and skin-boosting properties.

Drink water

A much-heralded beauty tip, drinking water is mooted for its ability to boost the look of your skin. Drinking water keeps you hydrated, flushes toxins out of your body and helps to generate new cells. skinexcellenceclinics.co.uk recommend consuming at least 2 litres of water daily to keep your skin looking fresh and healthy.

skin as you age

Wear sunscreen

Remember to wear sunscreen of at least factor 30 SPF – whatever the weather. Exposure to the sun is thought to ‘age’ you skin, but not only does sunscreen block out the harmful rays, but it can also help even out the appearance of your skin tone too.  Look for a sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB sun rays.

Exercise regularly

Just as it benefits the rest of your body, promoting a healthy heart and helping with muscle tone, regular exercise is thought to boost the look of your skin by increasing your blood flow. In fact, it’s even thought to have reversed skin ageing in a group of volunteers who started exercising late in life.

Try oil pulling

Based on the principle of using ‘like to dissolve like’, using natural oils to promote healthy skin is a sensible option – but the application of the oil may not be where you’d expect. Oil pulling – the process of swishing oil between your teeth to withdraw bacteria and chemicals – has a range of benefits, not least the promotion of healthy, glowing skin. Companies such as The Big Fruit offer a range of organic raw food cosmetic products designed to help you make the most out of the world’s natural remedies.

Beauty sleep

Remember that adage about ‘needing your beauty sleep’? Well, like many old wives’ tales, it seems to contain a grain of truth. Ensuring you sleep for at least 7 hours a night will boost the look of your skin as you age.  



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