Choosing a body piercing and accessories

words Al Woods

Many young adults seek out a body piercing studio as soon as they turn 18. While it is exciting to reach a legal age, it is also important to make informed decisions. As you get older, you have more responsibilities to consider when you make plans for a body piercing.

Many piercings are becoming commonplace for all ages. Many employers are more accepting of body modifications than in previous years. You must consider your activity level, style, and job when preparing for a body piercing.

Activity Level

While you may admire the look of multiple face piercings or a naval ring, make sure the piercing works for your situation. If you are an athlete, for example, a large piercing on your face may contribute to an injury. If you play sports where balls are flying at you, think through the details of functioning with a facial piercing. You can check out this piercing shop and get more information about the kind of piercings that can suit your individual lifestyle. When you are confident a piercing will work for your activity level, just make sure it fits with your style.

If you are determined to get one, have it done during your off season so it can heal before  you become extremely active. After a few weeks or months, you can take out the jewelry during games or events. The professionals at Brooklyn Piercing Shop can help you choose a piercing to work with your lifestyle.

Things like naval rings can also catch on equipment at work, even under your clothing. Prepare to cover body rings with a bandage if you have an active job. The family pet can even injure you with rings in your body. Dogs and cats can jump on you and hook their nails though a naval ring. Choose a stud, instead, if you think animals or small children may cause a problem.


Some employers simply do not allow visible body piercings. Be sure to check the rules at your job before you get a piercing. Many piercings are easy to hide with clothing. You can also disguise some piercings with clear accessories. Jewelry for a tongue piercing has balls on the top and bottom. You can replace decorative balls with clear ones for workdays.

A Permanent Change

Body modifications make a permanent change to your skin. While some types of piercings are popular at different times, you should not get one to follow a fad. Even if you remove the piercing, you are likely to have a small scar left behind.


Before you commit to a piercing, look at the jewelry options. Think about your favorite style or color. If you need to look a certain way at work, for example, make sure you have the proper accessories before you get a piercing. You often cannot change out jewelry for a few weeks, as your body needs to heal. Purchase your jewelry from a professional piercing shop, as well. Many people have allergies to certain metals. You may not get proper stainless steel from a random store.

A body piercing is a big change. Think about your lifestyle before getting one. If you decide on a body piercing, talk to a professional about the process. You can also ask questions about living with a body piercing. Make an informed decision about a body piercing instead of a spontaneous one.


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