The problem of choosing office hardware today

The problem of choosing office hardware today – words Alexa Wang

choosing office hardwareIn today’s economy, businesses face a myriad of financial challenges every day. In addition to headhunting the right calibers with reasonable salaries; landing new accounts or clients in a fiercely competitive market; and coping with currency fluctuations along with tax policy changes, setting up and maintaining a functional office infrastructure can be a real hassle.

In this article, we discuss some of the issues that arise during the process of choosing office hardware and the possible ways of tackling them.

Avoid Extra Costs of Outdated Equipment by Renting or Leasing

In addition to the various compatibility issues as software gets updated, old or outdated equipment could cost you more compared to investing in newer, more advanced equipment. Whether you have a separate machine for each purpose; a printer, a copier, a scanner, and a fax machine, or you’re working with one that is a decade old, replacing your equipment – especially with machines that are multifunctional – will save you big in the long run.

To make use of the most progressive technology on a budget, the most affordable option to update your office equipment may be renting or leasing. You can visit AXSA Imaging Solutions to find out how you can make compact, efficient, next-generation technology work for your business at a lower cost. You never know, your office equipment could be the barrier standing between you and greater heights in your business.

Avoid Excessive Maintenance Costs by Sourcing a Service Contract

Another avoidable problem is the sudden and often significant cost of hiring a maintenance company to repair broken-down hardware – let alone the availability and price of spare parts when needed.

One way to reduce office equipment expenses is through service contracts; not only do they protect you from those extra payments and give you a predictable yearly cost, but they also grant you peace of mind knowing that your trusty machines will be taken care of when they are down. It would be best to find out whether or not the manufacturer of the equipment offers such contracts prior to making the purchase.

office hardware tips
Avoid Wasting Paper and Resources by Using Follow-Me Printers

Aside from the price of the printer itself, the frequent – and sometimes unnecessary – replenishment of ink, toner, and paper is a cost you can reduce. One study estimates that the average employee uses about 10,000 sheets of paper every year, out of which 17% was considered unnecessary. This means that an average of 1700 printed pages per person annually are actually just wasted.

In case someone accidentally clicked the “print” button more than a few times, using a follow-me printing solution serves by preventing your devices from automatically printing everything. This will also spare your company the issues arising from forgotten and wasted documents – which can sometimes be confidential – that are left at the printer for everyone to see.

When choosing office hardware, everyone looks for the perfect balance between affordability and functionality – but it goes beyond that. Other factors like compatibility with various software and their updates, after-sale service, and maintenance, as well as eco-friendliness, all come into play when choosing office equipment.




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