How to create your own meditation garden

words Al Woods

create meditation garden

As we get older, sooner or later we will become familiar with the horrible feeling of stress. It can be because our lives become too overwhelming- pressure from work, home, or even pressure that we tend to put on ourselves.

This is why it’s so important that you consider taking meditation on to relieve yourself from this pressure. And the best way to achieve effective results from meditation, is by setting up the perfect space to meditate in at home. 

Besides creating an indoor space, if you have a backyard then it’s time you created your own meditation garden and put it to good use! Read on to find out the best way to do this.

Pick The Right Spot And Own It

Regardless of whether you have a big or small garden, it’s important that you assign a spot that is going to be used exclusively for your meditation. It’s preferable that you pick a spot in a far corner so that you can achieve detachment from everything and everyone around you. Once you’ve picked a spot, isolate it by creating some kind of barrier- you can use plants, bamboos, or even a simple separator to do so. 

Create A Path

It really does make a difference to how you feel as you approach your meditation garden if you create a path that leads up to it. It doesn’t have to be anything drastic, you can create it using rocks, sand or pebbles- get creative! This makes it all the more special as you make your way towards your garden.

Surround Yourself With Greenery

meditation garden tips

We know that you’re already in a garden, but you want to make this spot special for yourself, so think about getting your favorite plants or even surround yourself with flowers so that the visual is soothing for you.

Integrate Water, Sound And Smell

Water is an integral part of meditation, and the feel as well the sound of running water does wonders for meditation. You want to have soothing music in the mix as well, so you might want to consider getting yourself a portable sound system. Water speakers would be ideal when listening to music outside in your meditation garden, as they gave off an amazing sound and it already includes a water element. Basically, there’s a small display of running water in the middle of the speaker, surrounded by lights, and it looks amazing. Don’t forget that you want to integrate smell as well, because you want to appeal to all your senses, so have flowers and plants that smell pleasing, or you can even put on some incense while you meditate. 

Make Sure The Terrain Is Right

Don’t forget to pay attention to the terrain of where you’re going to set up your meditation garden. You want it to be comfortable, so making sure that it’s not too bumpy or not conducive to setting up all the things that you want to add to your spot.

Add Decor That Appeals To You

Just because you’re outside, doesn’t mean you can’t have your favorite pieces of decor put it! When it comes to meditation, you always want to surround yourself with objects and triggers that make you happy and give you peace. So think about putting a small mini fountain or waterfall, perhaps so Budhha centerpieces, or even wind chimes around you.

Consider The Lighting

Even though you may take the concept of lighting for granted since you’re outdoors, you definitely shouldn’t! When you meditate, you want everything to be exactly to your liking, so make sure that you have the option to sit in the shade when it’s super sunny, and also set up lighting for when you want to meditate at night. You can have candles and outdoor lighting done in a way that is relaxing and not over the top. 

It’s important to make meditation a daily occurrence in your life, because it really will make a difference to your mental well being. Creating a meditation garden is taking the experience to the next level, because you’re bringing yourself closer to nature, taking in fresh air, and creating a space that is perfect for detaching. By doing this, you’re not only detaching from everything going on inside your home, but you’re also detaching from the stress and noise in your head as well! Follow the step provided here and you’re bound to create a beautiful haven where you can really take your mind to the next level of inner peace and allow yourself to really relax. 


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