ün-Establishment – One-Off Creative Events in Manchester & London

ün-establishment is a series of creative events in Manchester and London taking place in October. It has a genuine creative focus, is free to attend and has a great line up of guests from art, music, fashion, publishing, invention and design. We were excited to be invited to get involved ourselves, and you can catch up with us, and a selection of creative luminaries on the Manchester leg.

This high quality project is led by Kopparberg, the premium cider from Sweden, and will take place in pop up venues for one week in each city. Kopparberg ün-establishment aims to go against the grain of mainstream culture and is aimed at people who are open mined and willing to take creative risks. It’s fronted by cultural figures unafraid to go it alone in their own field and will give some genuine insights and valuable advice to young creatives starting out on their own paths.

London highlights include Doodlebombing alongside artist & illustrator Hattie Stewart, or creating your own animated GIF with artist Margot Mowman, or a field trip with the Pothole Gardener making unique gardens in potholes around the city. Highly respected graphic artist Pure Evil will be conducting his own street art field trip around East London alongside many workshops and discussions on fashion and the future of publishing with Let Them Eat Cake and The Crack Magazine.

In Manchester of course our own editors, Lee and Claire, will be talking about How Not To Set Up A Magazine with a workshop aimed at anyone interested in setting up a creative blog, magazine or website or getting their work published. We’ll also be looking at portfolios and giving one to one advice to young photographers, writer and designers. Other highlights include rising DIY musical phenomena Illim Sphere who will be imparting his electric wizardry in a music production workshop. Phil Griffin will guide you around a field trip featuring some of Manchester’s most fascinating architecture. Eskimo Creative will be hosting a game of ‘idea volleyball’ where participants will fire concepts at each other with fans voting for their favourites on the night.

In both Manchester and London the Impossible Project will be installing their pop-up Polaroid portrait studio. They’ll be taking snaps for you to take away of you and your friends. Also watch out for Kubb, the Viking chess game, being played at green spaces in the cities. These creative events are just a selection of what’s on offer. There’s also some special film screenings and some very special parties and it’s all free!

For further information visit www.facebook.com/kopparberguk


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