Different bookkeeping courses that could lead to a new career

Different bookkeeping courses that could lead to a new career – words Al Woods

Several jobs are expected to be in high demand this year, such as cyber security, healthcare, and digital marketing. Those who choose to start their own businesses in one of these fields will need someone to keep track of their expenses, so bookkeeping is another good area to get training in this year.

There are many different paths students can take when getting training as a bookkeeper – they can get a certificate or diploma, an Associate’s degree, or a Bachelor’s degree.


Why Get Training in Bookkeeping?

Bookkeepers and accountants play an integral role in keeping accurate financial records for businesses. This helps the company when tax time arrives. It also helps business owners make other financial decisions, such as whether to hire more employees or invest in services that could help improve the company’s bottom line.

Training Options for Bookkeepers

Certificate or Diploma – Certificate or diploma programs introduce students to bookkeeping and accounting. These programs take about one year to complete, and teach the basics of bookkeeping, accounting, payroll accounting, or some related field. These programs qualify students for jobs as a bookkeeper or clerk, but don’t provide enough education to transfer to a four-year college. They may require only three our four courses. Students can usually take these programs at a community college or small accounting school. It’s a good way to introduce students to bookkeeping so they can learn the basics. They may learn enough in these courses to be able to take a certified bookkeeping exam.

Associates in Accounting – An associates degree is a two-year program. These programs usually require at least 60 hours of training, and goes beyond the basics students would learn a certificate or diploma program. These programs provide the training necessary to transfer to a four-year program if the student chooses to later, in addition to providing accounting and bookkeeping basics. Many local community colleges and technical schools offer associates degrees in accounting, and some schools are offering online programs as well. Associates degrees allow students to get jobs as bookkeepers or clerks; in addition, they may be able to transfer their credits to a four-year college so they can get their Bachelors degree in Accounting.

Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting – Students who want to become certified public accountants need to get a Bachelor’s degree in accounting. These programs last four years. By the time the student completes the program, they will have completed 120 credit hours. Once the first 60 credit hours of general coursework are completed, students focus on courses in accounting, business, finance, math, and statistics. In addition to becoming CPAs, students who choose to pursue Bachelor’s degrees can go on to specialize in more specific fields, such as forensic accounting, accounting information systems, and actuarial science. Because of the high demand for accountants, many schools are offering very affordable online Bachelor’s degree programs so they can meet the job market demand for students and employers.

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Program

When choosing a program, keep the following questions in mind:

  • How long will the program take to complete?
  • How much will it cost?

Once students have answered these questions for themselves, they can start looking at different training programs and figuring out if they’re within their budget, and if they want to spend the amount of time required completing the program.

How to Pay for the Program

If a student decides which program they like, but they’re concerned about the cost, they can always contact a school to find out if they’ll make payment arrangements or if they have payment assistance programs available, such as work study or scholarships. There are also online platforms like Courses Online that enable students to browse hundreds of providers and courses.

These are just some of the training options available for bookkeepers. There are many others. When looking at diploma or degree programs, be sure to keep all the previously mentioned questions in mind, and look for degree programs that fit your needs.


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