Drivers: How much do you know about car maintenance?

words Al Woods

With the worst of this year’s winter weather seemingly behind us, UK drivers can look forward to snow free roads for the foreseeable future.

Unfortunately, the “beast from the east” and its snow storm friends have left their mark on roads up and down the country, with a record number of potholes being recorded by motorists.

car maintenance

Driving over one of these potholes can have severe consequences for your vehicle, with a particularly bad one capable of side-lining your car indefinitely. At a time when average maintenance costs for cars are on the rise this matters.

Of course for the most part damage will be located primarily in the tyre area, which raises the question, would you be capable of changing your vehicles tyre yourself?

Research from the Accident Advice Helpline has revealed that a high percentage of UK drivers admit to being completely mystified when it comes to even basic car maintenance.

More than 4 in 10 motorists don’t know how to change a flat tyre, with 37% claiming they wouldn’t be able to find the spare wheel.

The Accident Advice Helpline has created an infographic detailing what other car maintenance issues we as a nation struggle with. Are they any you’d need some help with?



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